So Jeff wants 3-2-1?

It was not.

Completely inaccurate. Goats was solved 2-3 months before Role Queue’s release. Bunker was the meta then, if I remember well. There were tons of nerfs that made Goats weak.

2/2/2 was released because people on these forums were whining for it for months and devs simply caved in.

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Not a single person is advocating for 3-2-1 without specific roles for each number.

Yes it was, every original video of OW for advertisibg had full 222 teams.

It doesn’t prove anything. OWL (which I don’t like that much) also promoted 222 with mirror teams at the beginning because it was meta but it doesn’t mean it was the only viable team composition to winning.

If we are to be accurate, let’s not forget that before mid-July 2016, it was possible to choose 6 x the same hero, even in Comp (if I remember well). I agree this wasn’t well thought of but my point is wasn’t written anywhere that 222 was the way to go, especially with that many DPS heroes in the hero select at launch compared to 2-3 tanks and 2-3 supports only.

Edit : in the Ana promotional trailer, she makes a big jump to reach high heights on Temple of Anubis, does it mean I have to spend all game long trying to make that jump because it came from the original video for Ana which means Ana is supposed to be played like this ? :roll_eyes:

I guess I should ask for a refund now ^^

then you just balance it again none of these fixes are sit in stone

Should we tell him most Overwatch trailer have 4-1-1 comps?

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but these balances are COMPLETELY opposite to the recent bulk of revamps we had, it’s like throwing AN ENTIRE YEAR of hard work into the garbage bin. Where this idea is bound to belong to.

Must I REMIND you all the entirety of 2018-19 was spent balancing this game for 2-2-2?

And on that same note people should wait to test it before calling it the “dumbest idea ever” and shttng on the devs for mentioning it.

Seriously, Jeff gives us a super long and detailed in depth post about their internal testing, feedback, thoughts, addresses both sides, what changes they tested for heroes, etc. and people just babyrage because they don’t like the idea of having one tank when Jeff literally said they’d be rebalancing the tank role to do well in such a setting.

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You claimed that all trailers have been 2/2/2.

I could just pull up the Sigma reveal trailer and prove you wrong.

Because this community doesn’t read anything the devs say and just reads other thread titles.

Hero reveal trailers, for several obvious reasons doesn’t count because they serve only to showcase the new hero, every other hero in the game is simply decorative (and target dummies).

I read the whole thing, and it felt… inconclusive, like Jeff really wants ot implement the idea but still wants to fine-tune it.
My issue is, over 1 year balancing this game for 222, if they want tanks to solo… Almost every single tank, support and DPS balancing from 2018-2020 will have to be scrapped, overhauled and dismissed.

With only 1 tank, Barriers will need to be re-buffed. Off-tanks like Winstom, Dva and Wrecking ball will need serious though if they want to protect the team and not be just fat DPSs that can abandom their teammates to their own luck because their best survival relies on running away. Zarya and Sigma will beed more strenght to survive and protect the team, and don’t get me started on the DPS ideas for Roadhog, I know it won’t fly, but a 400hp roadhog with no damage resistance means he won’t last 10 seconds.

DPSs like Reaper and Hanzo MUST face a heavy Nerf-hammer, if they are an issue with 2 tanks, 1 alone won’t stand a chance. And one of his arguments is to motivate individual skill ratehr than teamplay, when it takes HALF THE TEAM to take a Reaper off your tank’s trail, must I add. hanzo is easier to deal with as he doesn’t have self-heal and such, but regardless, DPSs meant for busting tanks will be terrible with one tank alone, and Supports, especialy those like Ana and Zen that need some protection will suffer even further.

3-2-1 does work, but in the current state it also heavily shelves anything that isn’t a barrier tank (however, Winston is an absolute monster, and I’m for that).

Mostly… I just don’t see it solving the problem. Sure, there is another DPS slot, but effectively there is only a Main Tank slot.

It just doesn’t seem like there’s going to be suddenly more main tanks in games for the amount of DPS players there are. It would more likely just shrink the queued tanks so it plays out about the same.

I mostly play Support/Tank… Under 3-2-1, I am far less likely to pick up a main tank. I’ll play Winston, that’s about it and that was more out of reluctance to just fill the role, not queue as it.

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Main tanks won’t feel motivated to be focused by 6 enemies all the time with no one else to share the load. This game should try to avoid making every match “may the best DPSs win” and go for actual TEAMPLAY. Otherwise they can just scrap everything and make the whole game just Deathmatch. Killing the entire originality of Overwatch just because DPS players want to be in a bizarre CSGO. Sometimes it feels like the devs are all DPS mains… (ironicaly, Jeff is sorta tank-main)

I liked Jeff’s pay. It was really interesting to read about their thoughts and even the idea of reworking Hog into a DPS.

My comment was specifically to ask if we can test the 1-3-2 balance changes (if be they decide to go with it) and see if it receives better feedback. I’m all for trying it. But if the community doesn’t end up liking it, they may need to work on it more or scrap it.

adapt or die 2018-2019 is over try thinking 2020 and beyond

Let me stop you right there…user from 2 days ago. Jeff simply said that this composition is what the team has been playing around with for the last month or so, and the feedback form the dev team is mixed, but jeff never said that he wants this, he did say he wants to see how the players think of it

Do you happen to work with fox news?

Jeff says they playtested it.

Now you’re here claiming he wants 3/2/1 to happen tomorrow…

1-3-2 isn’t going to reduce DPS queue time in fact it’s quite the opposite…

unless the selection of tanks become capable of mitigating the damage against 3 DPS by themselves, the average tank player is going to be railroaded and discouraged from playing the role.

Support mains will be fine. Tank mains will be ruined.

DPS queues will actually be the same as well

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that is a fact he brought up, and he stated that tanks would need to be changed for this composition