Heroes who require specific skill to get their full value out of them were never dominant in middle and low ranks either and yet, people still called for nerfs ( looking at a specific British hero especially ).
One of Sombra’s ‘weaknesses’ is that she needs her team to work with her in order to be an effective disruptor but just because we, the players, are a circus and care less about cooperation in the casual ladder that does mean this specific weaknesses should be patched up with buffs and call her trash.
Of course she is going to be good when another 5 people listen to who she hacks and when she does EMP but when your teammates in casual ladder are not willing to listen is it the hero’s fault ?
It’s not just casual, it applies to the entire ladder all the way to GrandMasters. Remember that the arguments being used revolves around her being used by pros, not Masters, not GrandMasters, freely admitting that she doesn’t actually work anywhere in the playerbase, yet using the pros to deny Sombra any kind of buff that would help her. Even QoL changes. People aren’t even put on the same voice channel by default at the start of a game even if they have headsets.
There’s such a thing as setting the bar too high. And when the only people that can apparently use her to win is the 1% of the 1%. That’s too high.
You mean that one hero that was carrying games all by themselves?
Sombra is only seen as strong now because there are a couple of heroes that are being used that are shut down pretty hard by hack / EMP. It’s not that she suddenly magically got stronger, it’s a perfect example of “the meta favors this hero”. The difference is it favors her because other heroes got released or better.
Sombra doesn’t need any nerfs. She’s not OP, she’s ok. Which is enough.
Wish her latest changes didn’t make me have less fun playing her, but she’s neither weak nor broken.
Are you actually planning to tell me that true Tracer players, not Smurfs, from Diamond and below carried games with the hero all by themselves ? Seriously ?
The same excuse of ‘meta favors’ is used for Doomfist but this guy is getting benefited because of shield buffs and teams in those ranks are not coordinating with CC heroes like Sombra. Whose fault is it ?
Like honestly, every buff and nerf topics hardly include how the ladder behaves. We use numbers and percentages while excluding actual game behavior, for any hero.
Of course the Sombra who is out of voice chat with excuses like ‘toxicity’ will be worse than the one who calls out hacks. She was made to enable the team. When a heavily team depended hero is handled by people who are not into team work, their teammates as well, she is going to have bad time. It is logical.
What do you propose to be changed in the game to make Sombra viable? Because after several months, it’s become clear that not even GrandMasters can make her work.
The so-called Grandmasters are the same people who report teammates for picking off meta picks so let’s not pretend that they are working with everyone and that they are less toxic than the rest. Even Dafran got banned for a day because he was playing Torbjorn.
Asking for the impossible here, but we, the community, should stop being selfish holes first.
She’s a squishy with a gun that only works well if she’s close enough to touch you,
If she hacked you, then you both only have guns. It’s a fair fight at that point.
I’m not implying there is any shame in getting merked by Sombra, but that’s what the game is. She’s sneaky and as her opponent, it’s your job to watch out for sneaky.
Playing a main tank? Hope you enjoy getting deleted via this lady pressing right mouse button on you. She makes Orisa pretty terrible, she completely trashes Reinhardt, and the only main tank who’s not annoyed that much by her is Winston. She also completely shuts down Wrecking Ball- you know, one of the highest skillcap heroes in the game- by pressing right mouse button.
If there is one thing that will make me quit this game, it’ll be sombra. Her entire character is designed to make other players throw their controllers and keyboards in frustration. She is a terrible idea for a hero in a game where so much relies on character’s abilities. She should NEVER receive any sort of damage buff. …
you said she did “a little too much damage up close.”
I think that’s absurd and I said why.
You replied with a string of question marks. I understandably thought you were asking a question… shrug emote