So is it time for #DeleteLucio?

this exactly. deathball as a strategy was semi-viable on certain maps but limited in general. dive was a superior composition. then they released brigitte and now deathball is unstoppable until they fix her.

Right, because you wouldnt use Moira lol, you would use Ana in place of Moira. And with Reapers recent buff, oh lord you would be obliterating the enemy dive

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there is a way to make this game balanced, where multiple strategies are viable.

the issue is that the devs have decided to cater to mercy mains and released heroes for mercy mains to switch to, moira and brigitte, without ever getting good at the game.

and as long as they do that, the game will not function as a hardcore PvP game in any fair sense.


Each hero is released with various degrees of difficulty, functions, and counters.

No one is stopping you from playing a harder hero if you like them.

If an easier to pick up hero can counter you, you have no reason to complain. You chose that character, not the other way around.

You seem to really like picking and choosing when you bring up the difference in team comps. Apparantely Triple tank isnā€™t GOATs because GOATs is 3-3, but GOATs is deathball even though GOATs is 3-3 and deathball is 2-2-2?

So what youā€™re saying is, is that Lucio is just as necessary to GOATs as Brig is?

just not true. it is still just easy to kite reaper as a winston. I am a winston main. reaper is not an issue for winston. Doom or bastion on the other hand, are. plus zen counters reaper. tracer HARD counters reaper. DVA hard counters reaper.

and good luck trying to play ana against a good dive team. she is a tasty treat nothing more. DVA counters ana maybe harder than any hero counters anyone in the entire game.

If Lucio wasnā€™t in the game Tank comps wouldnā€™t be able to exist at allā€¦ Main healers like Ana and Moira enable them outside of high tiersā€¦ Lucio keeps them even thereā€¦
Tanks are supposed to be slow but durableā€¦ Lucioā€™s Speed Aura removes the slow aspect of the Tanky Tanks

this is an esport game. CoD is not hardcore pvp, CoD is a casual FPS. DotA and CTS and Starcraft are hardcore PvP games, and overwatch can be. notice those games have 20+ year esport scenes.

if they want the esport to last, and they clearly do, then they have to turn it into the hardcore PvP game that it the design feels like it wants to be.

there is nothing wrong with mercy or moira or brigitte existing within the game. but you should not be able to one trick them into diamond+. the other aspect is fix the rankings and start everyone in bronze and force them to climb, like DotA and League do.

Because it isnt meant to be. Its a team based game and it was meant to appeal to casuals. They said this several times and even stated that they didnt want to ever release a deathmatch gamemode because it would make the game pvp centric which it wasnt balanced around. Its balanced around group versus group.

OWL is a result of Activision wanting to milk out as much money from Overwatch as possible and changed the way the game is being developed, like they did for WoW.


overwatch league is a cash cow, and the team and hero based mechanics are begging to reward skill and coordinated play.

they can have their cake and eat it too, just stop placing new players in plat and make the easy heroes viable but limited, that way you can play them when you start and graduate to harder and more fun and rewarding heroes. Or just make them like Lucio or Orisa or Rein who are easy to get value out of but very difficult to master.

You are just confusing everything together because you donā€™t understand what the heck you are talking about.

There is a reason why people have started to call it 3-3, because the comp has evolved beyond just being rein, zarya, moira, lucio and brig. More or less the only constants are Lucio and Brig while basically every other part of the comp can be replaced,
If we are talking about GOATs the more classic variant then itā€™s a ground based comp with Rein leading the charge which is a deathball. If we swap the tankline for things like Winston and hammon we get ā€œDOATSā€ aka - dive goats, this isnā€™t a deathball, itā€™s a dive 3-3.

Lucio enables deathballs, Brigitte enables 3-3.
For something like DOATS, Lucioā€™s speedboost doesnā€™t have the same necessary impact that it has for GOATS because the heroes are mobile enough on their own. His AoE healing and his ult is more the reasons for why heā€™s picked.

I hope this clears up whatever confusion you have.

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well said, one point I disagree with tho. lucio in doats is about speedboosting the brigitte around

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So GOATS is basically Lucio and Brig then?

Basically that tbh, but she can just be on the point as well.

I can agree with the second part

The only way I see them doing that to certain heroes would invilve removing some part of them.

For Mercy atleast, they would have to remove resurrect, the only way to balance it as a regular ability as it is now is to essentially make it useable in the same way as before the rework, which is through hiding/using cover which was the main reason they wanted to rework Mercy.

If they remove resurrect they could make room for other things but shes just an example.

No GOATs is a 3-3. Ana was used for a bit and now itā€™s completely without a main healer for the most part with Zenyatta taking up that slot to add more damage.

The reason why 3-3 even exists is because you can play quad tank without playing quad tank because of Brigitte and without all the drawbacks of playing quad tank. Sheā€™s tanky enough, does unblockable damage and has Shield Bash, she has AoE healing and Rally to sustain herself and her teammates.

Her being able to do everything she does is what allows the rest of the components of the comp to have more variety and be flexible enough to become the dominant meta.

There is enough health and healing to sustain the comp which is why people suggest nerfing healing across the board. If 3-3 canā€™t sustain without a main healer then it has a weakness that can be exploited.

This is also why doing things like buffing individual heroes to be able to shred through 3-3 is a terrible idea, imagine a hero being buffed to the point where it could just shred 3-3, how would any of the tanks and supports even be playable outside of 3-3 if even playable in 3-3?

Lucio is so slept on, probably overshadowed by others, while all along itā€™s the one support I found insane.
Heā€™s really really good. But heh do we need more support nerfs(and thus more tank struggles?) not sure.
I would nerf Lucio, but given the current context and the ā€œstateā€ of the game, Iā€™d pass.

So, deathball is just a ā€˜categoryā€™ of team comps?

NiP did, and itā€™s the predecessor to GOATs. It also featured Lucio.

Triple Tank, GOATs, Doats, Quad Tank, NiP

All metas that rendered all or nearly all dps irrelevant, and the only hero in common with all of them is Lucio.