So is it time for #DeleteLucio?

You mean they nerfed Ana and tanks?

You’re simplifying GOATs to just 3 supports though, which isn’t the case. GOATs has 3 tanks and 3 supports. Those 3 tanks should be heavily countered by heroes such as Sym, Sombra and Reaper. The heroes who should counter GOATs though are far too weak to actually do that though.

There were 4tank comps before brigitte with lucio powering them. e.g lunar colony 1st. But nowhere as meta dominant (and you had dva on steroids). Brig is a catalyst, if you remove her from the equation for other support or tank it weakens the comp a bit.

Debatable. He is a hero entirely centered around passive auras…

they nerfed ana (which made her fairly vulnerable to genji tracer) and they nerfed hog (which made winston and dva uncounterable) while also buffing monkey and dva.

these are all dive buffs.

Did GOATs exist before Brig was in the game? Answer is no, so why would we nerf another hero that’s crucial to running a simple deathball, even 2-2-2? If anything, the smart thing to do would be to nerf healing across the board.

its ok its just a side effect of making dps characters take gm skill, while allowing no aim characters to be played at gm skill by anyone.


Maybe have healing stacks reduced. Each healer can heal as usual, but when it’s stacked it takes longer. WILL THIS WORK, FRIENDS?!?!

First of all, was most definitely nerfed:

  • Health increased from 200 to 400
  • Armor decreased from 400 to 200
  • Fusion Cannons
    • Bullet damage decreased from 3 to 2
    • Number of bullets per shot has been increased from 8 to 11

Secondly, they were most definitely nerfs to triple tank. Especially considering the nerfs.

Brig is sitting at a pickrate of 4.06% this month and 3.30% this week in GM, making her the 4th most picked healer there. Why would the sole enabler of GOATs be sat below 3 other healers (considering GOATs has 3 healers) in pickrate? And, why would Lucio (who you claim to be just a part of GOATs) be sat at a pickrate of around 12%?

Something doesn’t add up.

Rein, Zarya and Lucio see a lot of play in GOATS:
:sleeping: and Brigitte gets picked here and there:


Did GOATs exist before Brig? That’s literally all you need to think about. GOATs doesn’t work without Lucio, but any deathball doesn’t without him. But sure, nerf him so we can get back to Dive.

3 Tank definitely existed before Brig.


3 tank isn’t goats, so not sure how this is relevant.

Would GOATS exist without Rein? Would GOATs exist without Lucio?

I don’t think so.

3 Tank isn’t GOATS, but GOATS is 3 Tank.

Is from before Brig went live and they didn’t know what her impact would.

I don’t know why this simple thing is so hard for you to comprehend. All the other heroes who are a part of GOATs existed before, yet there was no GOATS. Suddenly Brig comes a long and it does, so for the comp to be as effective as it is and to dominate the META, clearly Brig is hero that’s responsible.

GOATS is 3-3.

It feels like people are scapeGOATSing, Brigitte :wink:

So what? Are you just upset it’s 3-3 and would be happy with some other 3 Tank configuration?

Or maybe Brig is just as important to GOATs as any other GOATs hero? I mean, you said it yourself for Lucio:

So lets say Brig was always in the game, but Lucio was just added. GOATs would become meta, obviously. Is Lucio the sole enabler of GOATs because before his addition, there was no GOATs?

No, I’m still trying to figure out why you keep bringing 3 tanks up when it’s irrelevant to the discussion.

It kind of already did though. In fact it was worse. It was Ana and Lucio and 4 tanks, usually Rein Zarya D.Va and one of the other 2. Lucio always enabled tank play like that, and Ana was so overpowered at release she created 2 metas just by herself.

She got nerfed and Mercy got buffed and so dps were viable again.

The problem is the tanks in this game. They do almost as much damage as a DPS and their high health lets them stay in battle longer making up for any dps deficiency. Combine that with the ability to sustain them and increase their mobility and you have a deathball composition which already existed before the team GOATS made theirs 3-3.

GOATS was already a thing, its just that one team brought it into notoriety.

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