So, I tried 1/3/2

You quite literally have no clue what you are talking about.


Weird, I didn’t have my healers MIA, I got focused hard as the only tank. I think some of this is the fact it’s a “goof off” mode with no stakes. People aren’t going to play it as seriously. You should take that into consideration.

That would be a bad idea, in my opinion. DPS/Supports felt fairly balanced in the mode. Some more minor tank buffs would be all 3-2-1 needs, in my opinion, to be good. Not every tank was elevated to that “raid-boss” level which I think is necessary.

D.Va is trash? Her matrix is 4 seconds and it regens the total % just as fast. The amount of damage she can delete is insane, and she got other buffs too. She’s super good.

I think this is probably the core question for people. Do you want the game to be highly structured, or more open?

You definitely still get a line, but there’s little time where teams sit there poking at each other behind shields. Instead it breaks down into a real fight very quickly. Which, to me, is a great thing. It’s not fun to stand facing shields or heroes that peak and just get immediately healed.

I want a skill-based shooter where you use your unique hero to gain an advantage. Not a poorly-designed moba where executing a low-skill team combo is the key to winning. And I say this as a tank player, the tank role is way more fun in 3-2-1. Every role feels like you have way more opportunity to make plays, rather than being forced to just “do your job in the team to win”.

Note that this is as chaotic as the mode will ever be. Big changes always bring chaos, and then strategies are solved, and game play is polished. The same thing would happen in 3-2-1 if it was made a real mode.

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Thanks for typing this up i was gonna try it but I’ve been busy with wow and semi unmotivated to play overwatch

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Naw man. Those buffs in 2/2/2 would be OP, but in 1/3/2, she isn’t good. She needs that 15 meter matrix back and either even more armor or less critbox or something. Keep in mind, she used to have these stats before. This isn’t the first time that I’ve played a 400 armor 4 second DM D.Va.

She couldn’t cut it in that mode.

For me, structure is important. Being too death matchy is very bad feeling. It just doesn’t feel like Overwatch.

Hard disagree. The tank role feels terrible in 1/3/2. For it to work, you’d almost have to delete flankers and snipers. Maybe implement a mechanic that being more than 15 meters from your tank caused you to start taking damage or something. It was way too spread out.


b-b-b-but they read on the internet~~~~


No problem. I kinda forgot to mention that it really taught me how important the off tank role is. I’ve always considered it important, but only having a main tank really highlighted for me the importance of peeling and shared pushes and stuff. One tank just can’t be everywhere they need to be. This mode encouraged defensive, selfish, heal greedy tanking which I didn’t like.

And if your team doesn’t push with you for some reason then then you are screwed.


In what world are they terrible? I main tank and had the best time tanking. I didn’t feel like 3 dps were killing me too often. They felt like ants to me. Little annoyances that can’t mess with me unless they swarm, and even then I have 3 dps on my team to help me.

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In this one. What can I say? I hated it. It felt like herding cats.


That is the problem.

Tank players are basically the deciders of win or lose in that environment, they still kinda do the same in the main game but to a lesser extent as the responsibility of winning is across the two tank players.

Tanks need to do less so good/bad tank play doesn’t equal game over, everyone should be capable of that. The responsibility of tank being so important to winning is whats making people not play the role.

you know they borrowed a lot from arena shooters, it wouldn’t be too unfitting that it kinda plays a bit like one too.

but i do think 2-2-2 is the most structured form of overwatch, it’s just sad that there’s not enough players in the other 2 roles to meet the supply and demand.

so currently now we are at an impasse, fix qeue times? or go on with the more structured version of overwatch.

it’s a pity that it’s like this but it is what it is.

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Me as tank did not feel like a decider. I made room for my dps to do their job. We worked together. It wasn’t me getting all the picks. Just doing my job as tank and making them able to do their job easier.

Maybe… so, if we are truly at an impasse, I would personally prefer to stick with the structured version. I just didn’t enjoy 1/3/2 and what’s the point if it isn’t fun?

That said, I think there are potential solutions to the queue time issue. It’s just a matter of whether or not those solutions are any less objectionable than 1/3/2 is.

Here’s a couple solutions that I’ve thought of. Both involve removing some player choice though, which is not usually popular.

Option #1:
Implement role queue as a role preference vs a guarantee. If you queue for a more popular role, you have a chance of being assigned a less popular role. Let’s say 50% of people queue DPS, 30% support, 20% tank. For the DPS players, maybe 12% end up as tanks and 3% end up as support. This would even out queue times, but it means you couldn’t be guaranteed DPS when you queue for it.

Option #2:
Force everyone to queue for at least 2 roles. Here you get to pick a secondary role, but just like in option #1 this means you aren’t guaranteed to get your first choice. It evens out queue times too.

Both options require people to be more flexible. One-tricking is literally impossible (maybe unless you tank), and you just have to suck it up and fill sometimes. Both would fix queue times, but would they be well received?

flex players who play multiple roles would love this, but i don’t think the majority of the playerbase is that flexible.

there are very specific characters that don’t appeal to everyone, and tanks usually don’t appeal to people, there are 5 things why tanks don’t appeal to people.

  1. usually short range.
  2. protective nature.
  3. big hitbox.
  4. slower on average.
  5. lower damage output.

either you make tanks different or you make tanks be less required, kinda goes the same way for support but not as much because they only have 2 of these things holding them back from being “fun”.

I think a lot of things that would make tanks more fun to play as would also make them less fun to play against unfortunately.

i think just making tanks smaller and let them still be protective in nature but have either longer range or higher damage would make people more happy to play them overall.

but for example a character like wouldn’t work because she would look like a 6 year old in a cardboard box.

like DPS is still gonna be the defacto role for being able to deal the most damage, but there’s less characteristics defining the roles.

but as i’m saying this, this would re-shape what overwatch currently is.

I find tanking in this mode horrible so I just play dps

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ur mom like 1 3 2 tho


Sounds like you weren’t going with an expectation, you went in with a bias and the intent to confirm it, and would have listed any number of grievances in any order as “observations”.


No, that’s just you trying to find a way to dismiss my experience. Everyone had preconceptions about what they expected.