So i guess the devs are listening

True, a lot of these changes seem unrelated to GOATs

I’m just lowkey still salty that Sombra had gotten a nerf without a PTR a year back

Oh the hack nerf because it would finish even if interrupted?

I think they should have waited before letting that version of her hit live in the first place.

PvE - Not the game.
Game Modes - They dont even have balanced heros.
Expansion - Lol, fix this game!
Comic - Not the game.

if they can buff Brigitte by giving her SB one less second on cooldown, I’ll be convinced Jeff is the greatest team of devs in HIstory.

I personally ,feel the devs have listened to me though, I made post after post about them needing to move tanks and supports away from projectiles and into more true FPS mechanics, and we got Wrecking Ball, and Baptiste.

I think they are waiting to make surr goats is dead first

I’m locking this topic since its purpose is solely to incite unrest and troll.

Topics like these aren’t constructive to the community.