Yeah it sounds like her only way to get stealth is from Teleport now which sucks especially with it getting a longer cooldown. I also don’t like that they are taking another bat to her by nerfing Hack duration and compensating with a boring damage buff.
Goodbye Sombra IG.
That is honestly how Sombra should be.
No my guy, her winrate was garbage at any rank.
She felt bad to play against. But overall wasn’t a particularly good hero.
Which was what I wanted to solve, by giving more information to the enemy team that sombra is near by in ideal range to engage. So your not 100% caught out by it, and she just can’t stakeout close to the enemy team indefinitely.
From their she could be adjusted for balance around that scenario to improve both ends of such.
I mean the that version wasn’t exactly topping winrates, were newbies to her would spend way to much time in stealth. And or attempt to engage at the worst times preventing her set-up and just getting her killed a lot.
Especially if they weren’t planning escape routes and just tossed TP out in the open.
Wow, 5% more base movement speed
You’re right, they are just better flankers, the other 70% doesn’t really matter
It is two abilities in one now, but there’s only a two second down time if used to max effect
That’s pretty good
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And about the rest?
Tracer and Genji has a lot more and better sustain than Sombra
Sombra is not a good flanker, has nothing to sustain her in the backline, no way to get in and out
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She has teleportarion and invisibility, that teleportation also cleansing any debuff from her
Two second downtime on it if used all the way, that’s a lower cooldown than a Tracer blink
Sombra will require more thought but is still absolutely gonna be flanking and dangerous
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lol what? Sombra can still take any path a Tracer can take, and more. Vs Genji it’s mostly the same.
So she gets in and out in 7 seconds?
So she has no staying power and is such not a threat and doesn’t work as a flanker?
In addition to:
GENJI: Double jump, wall climb, dash, dash reset, deflect.
TRACER: 3 blinks+ rewind, 1 tap kill ult.
VENTURE: Invcibility + AOE while ingaging, bonus health on cooldown use, and a extra dash that doubles as a knock back and or kill tool.
It’s one cooldown, that lets either engage with and be left to dry. Or escape which it was already used to do. Even tho it’s slightly better at it now.
So no having seperate engage and disengage tools, is better then sharing a slot that forces you to choice one. Especially when it was common to combo the two as need be and wait out the cooldown.
Which can’t be done now as you so you can’t reposition to highground well in stealth.
It’s not like Genji has sustain of any kind, Tracer after sustaining is basically forced to run away
I don’t see what you’re getting at
Sombra isn’t designed to stick around and lick at you until you die, she never has been. She’s designed to take advantage of opportunities that other flankers may not find and then getting out, something she’s done since day 1
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Ya by walking at base speed, with no survivability tools like tracer and genji has.
It’s one cooldown you have to use it as either an engagement or disengagement.
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Sustain: Anything that keeps you alive aside from damage
Genji has sustain: Deflect, double jump and even wall climb can serve as such, heck dash can be used in a clutch
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The difference is, if Tracer wants to blink, it happens immediately. She can disengage, immediately. That is what flankers do. They engage and disengage as they need and are punished when they can’t.
That is why this is a bad change. And you saying “two second cooldown if used all the way” - that is the best case scenario. If she gets out earlier, the disengage is even longer. By default, she is without a disengage, which no other flanker has that issue unless they already used it. It’s not unavailable by default.
Ya know, it’s more respectable to say, “I want her to be bad and I’m glad these changes accomplished that”. You constantly complain about her skill requirement. I mean, you flat-out said:
Like just be honest about it lmao you got what you wanted, just say you’re happy about it. Don’t act like it’s for any other reason, and don’t act like the people who are unhappy are because “she will require more thought” and “be flanking and dangerous”. No one is stupid enough to believe you.
It is what it is. Based on reading she’s been nerfed which is unfortunate. But time will tell. She could still work fine, she could be so bad picking her gets you reported. Not gonna place final verdict till I play it a little.
So for Sombra to be viable is if she has even more damage than before, can actually blow up targets.
People will be raging
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I do want her to be bad if she’s going to be godawful to play against
If they make her not miserable to play against then I have no qualms with her being good. I’d rather every character be good than any be bad, but I’d more rather any atrocious characters be atrociously bad because it’s more fun for everyone else that way.
Sombra enters combat scenarios without a disengage, but she also has much better damage potential now than either Tracer or Genji since her gun plus virus has both great damage and decent range. Tracer and Genji have to be right up in your face to be dealing tons, Sombra could attack you from the highground if you’re near the wall or just from any unexpectated angle.
Sombra will be difficult to play now. That’s good, flankers are supposed to be fifficult to play and Sombra was the exception.
Mauve is NOT gonna like this new Sombra “one shot”.
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Sombra has teleportation that cleanses her and invisibility that gives her a massive speed boost and cannot be canceled by the enemy
I’d say she has sustain if Genji’s stuff counts as sustain
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Not so much a good comparison. Tracer gets her health back from the rewind, Sombra gets hers from being away or hacking packs.
They also didn’t take away stealth or TP. They merged them (balanced)
Better comparison would be Tracer has to rewind after her 3rd blink. See how that could be considered a balance tweak? And doesn’t make Tracer stop doing one of her 2 things.