So I guess sombra isn't a flanker anymore

Honestly. I don’t think this statement is angled towards optimizing queue times.

Which is a higher priority for overall player retention.

I’m overtly saying that the more frustrating a hero is, the weaker they should be.

So either they lose the frustration, or they get nerfed. (Or don’t get buffed)

Of course he “remembers”. He’s trying to make the same claim as you, so its convenient to align whatever the truth of it.
Got any actual evidence to back up this little anecdote?

Also just to point out the shift of goalposts, hero op =/= one specific skill is ‘annoying’ (or that an annoying ability will specifically impact the willingness of people to play tank as opposed to any other role equally impacted by that ‘annoying’ skill for that matter)

We literally watched it happen.

Early OW2 ran into a support queue issue, which started when Genji was OP, and ended when he wasn’t.

We can point to times, You saying “nah didn’t happen” when people absolutely saw it is just crazy.

Pfffffffffffffft what? I’m sorry no. no no no .

Even then what does sombra have to do about that? do you think Widow mains are a key part of que time issues. Or you saying that sombra players engaging with any other hero is helping that.

No you tackle why that is frustrating, and keep the parts people like.

you don’t chop a limb off just because the rash is annoying to live with.

I literally suggested the exact changes…

Less Tank players = Worse Queue times.

And Hack, AntiNade, Storm Arrow, Magnade, and Snipers are the limiting factor on getting more Tank players.

Eventually yes. Absolutely. But in the meantime. No.

You design it for maximum playerbase growth.

So no, then.

Also, correlation doesnt equal causation.

Dude, you can’t even remember Genji effecting Support, I was just checking how delusional you were.

So not only have I’ve not seen que issues in any rank that isn’t approaching top 500. Do to tanks specifically.

Sombra is now more aggressive towards tanks because of the damage boost and limited mobility. So like they achieved the reverse of what you think is going on.

Also this.

You’re moving even further away from the actual premise of what I said, which was the ‘annoyance’ of one ability affecting how many people are prepared to play an entire role. Not how changes to one hero impact the pick rate of another.

ETA: Also if you’re going to edit posts after I’ve replied, at least be good enough to actually acknowledge what’s an edit.

Have you seen any matchmaking quality issues?
Keeping in mind Matchmaker Speed and Matchmaker Quality are direct tradeoffs.

Dude, you can’t even remember Genji effecting Support, I was just checking how delusional you were.

The software I use to talk to the forums needs updates (it keeps posting over the last posts)

It was about Brig effecting Tracer for anyone following.

Not really, no not in the US anyway I can’t say for other servers.

But like outside of new hero seasons most my ques have been even. Especially in QP where most of the players are.

gold~diamond are not having ques issues from my experience.

Like if anything I have seen “too” many people in the tank que at one point. making the wait length for that role high.

Just click the Genji part, then press Ctrl+F, then type 30, and Enter.

Was there a change to the matchmaker, this patch, that specifically targeted Tank-diff issues?

Easy to play as in you choose one specific goal(say, bullying a Widowmaker) and you can accomplish that without much effort

Hard to win with as in that one specific goal(say, bullying the Widowmaker) isn’t going to actually influence the match very much if that’s all you’re going for

The point is, you are playing to win.

All heroes are easy to pick a goal and do good at that. You can jump off the map trivially with any hero.

The goal of “winning games” which is where actual difficultly comes in, she was always difficult to get.

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Easy to play also means you’re trying to win bozo

Oh,. so trying to win, not trying to “bullying the Widowmaker” or any other arbitrary goal?

See either you have some arbitrary goal the player picks, in which case, hey, it is as easy or hard as the goal the player picks.

Maybe it is walking out of spawn, maybe it is walk around the map cloaked

OR you have the actual goal of the game, which is winning it.

Since that is the target, that is what you measure the difficulty against.

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oh so I see the confusion on my end.

Be it now your mixing match quality and que times.
because que times is not soley tide to quality of matches. Be it they do have an indirect effect on each other.

Because most players can’t even percieve the difference between a match ending because of like better team synergies or coutnerpicks. Over just inequal amounts of skill.