So I guess I'm barred from playing OW 2

I wish you the best of luck, hope we might find each other some other time
Have a hug

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Hello there friend… I never really truly disappear. I’ll be around, in places. Probably speaking loudly about important topics.

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Lol. Puff puff pass. Don’t bogart.

I really hope Blizzard requires SMS for competitive ONLY at some point. I really feel for people who have been playing this game for multiple years, only to be banned from playing it entirely simply because they chose the wrong plan. It’s stupid.

Too many innocent players who don’t smurf or cheat are getting caught up in this mess.


Or lurking

I’ll miss you though
Heck It puts a smile on my face every time I see you on the forums, sadly that doesn’t last and your last posts have been heart breaking to say the least


I was there at launch. I loaded up the “launcher” before the servers were live.

I witnessed the first live server blink into being.

And here I am… fighting the game to even play the game.

My life is… admittedly turbulent, in many ways.

I’m sorry for not being around much, it’s hard to love something that hurts you… and these forums in particular threatened me outside of the game, I had to distance myself at that point.


I’ll save this quote because it’s too accurate, worst part is, wouldn’t even be a surprise if they said this, only for defenders to say “what are you doing not upgrading, you should be saving for an SSD”
Yeah dude we get it, you’re the child of the president, good for you


If it gets to the point my current # doesn’t work anymore I will have no problem putting this franchise in the rear view mirror forever. And why is this? I’m not dealing with red tape to play a frigging video game.


yes because they have already stated

“different team.”

its not… theyre all under activision blizzard. theyre all told to do this and do that, sure they might have some different small management styles that allow their employees to be a little different but theyre all told to do this and that.

and then there is also this

Pretty much. i played during 2017-19. I was hopping to check this one out but i guess not, i have a pre-paid plan and i will NOT change providers or get expensier plan to entertain their “free 2 play” game. I get what they are trying to do, but i am not at all for it.

…then I guess they’re not playing OW2 then… :wink:

Most ridiculous thing I’ve ever come across.

I pay a set bill for my phone every month. I’m 90% sure it’s “post-paid”, but the website is still refusing it claiming it’s pre-paid.
Either way, I’m not changing my mobile plan to play a mediocre shooter.


This is much bigger than that, and it may be a symptom of something massive. This may lead to charges of fraud. Blizzard has committed actual crimes. And you can quote me on that.


I’ve been playing this game for 6 years, and lord knows how many hours, thousands of dollars, and overall dedication I have SPENT towards this IP and the OWL.

I’m completely heartbroken that after all these years of waiting and plans to sit back and see a new wave of players come in-only to be walled off by the fact that I HAVE CRICKET WIRELESS as my phone service. So many of us have phone numbers that are completely fine-but we’re being walled off for not having specific ones??? And what about those other countries that can only get prepaid phones or VOIP???

I’m just… Please please please if any major creators can somehow spread awareness of this crummy business practice, a message will get sent across to blizz about the gatekeeping affecting millions of us.


This hit home :’) its so awful to be slapped in the face when we’ve been here since the beginning


If I somehow i get to play ow2 then im not gunna spend any money on it I was going to do battle pass but not anymore


I’ve been playing this game since Beta 2016. Through the years I’ve bought and purchase things to make it enjoyable for me. I am a causal gamer that plays PvE just to relax. I had fun with OW until now as I was refused to play OW one last time today.

It is sad to see a game go down this road on what I believe to use your sell phone for advertising purposes than what they are commenting on about " Cheaters".

When you hear phrases such as " Bad Characters" and “Cheaters” coming from a game company, these are Red flags that you must not ignore as this is market speak in the gaming industry to deflect the real purposes of a reason they are doing something.

I will not give out my cell phone information to a game company that I do not trust.

What I can see them use that mobile phone number for is for mass marketing purposes on products that Blizzard owns. They already have my Email. They do not need my cell phone.

I was going to buy a battle pass just to try it out. But because of this
Cell phone requirement to play a game I will not buy a battle pass.

So this is how Blizzard treats a long term player with lots of disposable income. Well I won’t be playing Overwatch, Overwatch 2, or any of Blizzard’s games until the Cell phone requirement is removed.

And if it is not? There are plenty of games I can spend my money on from other video game companies.

Video Gaming Companies that would love to have the large amounts of disposable income that I am willing to spend to make my entertainment enjoyable.

I know there will be plenty of us that will not buy into this mess.

I just do not think that Blizzard though this all of the way through on alienating their consumer base even further.

So… So long Overwatch and Blizzard. It was fun while it lasted, but I will not give you my cell phone so you can text me with advertisements down the road.


Cricket/Metro PCS are not supported (Despite being massive carriers.) unless you had SMS protect when they first launched it. (I have cricket and am OK but ONLY because I did SMS sometime last year apparently.)

Blizzard is the most anti-consumer developer right now, it’s astounding that people are still pumping money into them as they actively spit in their face.

Also after they what they did to the HOTS community on Dec 13, 2018 and cancelled all esports/tournaments/college league after 3 months of NON communication to the teams asking for info. This is just another great reason to not give them a dime.


Based on my personal experience on both betas, you aren’t missing anything at least. The whole game is a downgrade across the board. They’ve literally turned it into yet another scummy free to play game.


Nuuuu I want you playing OW2 fren