So, how do I kill Doomfist again?

I’m in the Gold 1 to Plat 4 range. You know what that means:

  1. No one ever communicates.
  2. No one ever switches until it’s far, far too late.
  3. No one knows how to kill a flying enemy like Echo, Pharah, etc.
  4. No one knows how to punish dive.

That’s the reality I live with. Fine. I’m also a support player, if that matters. I can do just about everything except Lifeweaver.

For the life of me, I do not know what I can do to make an enemy Doomfist’s life harder. The guy feels completely invincible. He feels like a self-sustaining DPS with an extra beefy health bar.

This is basically how it goes. He dives in. He does splash damage. Throws everyone off. Everyone either panics, or doesn’t notice he’s there. He punches someone (or multiple people) into a wall, usually killing them instantly since they already took a lot of damage from that initial hit. He then perfectly lands multiple headshots with his hand cannon to pick off one or two more people. After that, he activates his block to prevent us from doing any meaningful damage to him, by which point his two mobility abilities are recharged and he can escape without suffering any consequences whatsoever. I’ve seen games where he racks up dozens of elims and about 15,000 damage, without dying a single time.

I’ve tried to do what I can to make his life harder. I’ve gone Brigitte to bash him, and stun him out of his punch. Block his meteor strike.

I’ve gone Ana to purple him and sleep him, then mash ping like crazy (remember, no one is ever in voice channels), basically to scream “HEY HE’S OVER HERE JUMP THIS GUY!!” But it never works. We either can’t do enough damage fast enough, or someone wakes him up immediately after I sleep him.

I’ve tried to headshot him multiple times with Kiriko. But he’s already amassed a huge chunk of temporary shields from beating us to death, and his block renders my damage moot.

I’ve tried being Moira but… come on, she’s good and I main her but the amount of damage I can do to him is like expecting to shoot down a fighter jet with a marshmallow gun.

It seems like nothing is working. And I know that if I blame this issue on my tank or DPS teammates I’ll probably get the usual “you’re still in plat because you’re blaming others when it’s really all YOUR fault” or “you just need to adapt to your teammates instead of expecting them to do their damn jobs.”

Fine. Let’s just say for the sake of the discussion, everything is all my fault. Help me out here. How do I delete Doomfist as a support player?


If your team can’t get him in check, play heroes who can ignore him, like Moira
Dodge his crap, keep alive who you can and melt what you can

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I’ll try that next time, but I legitimately do not believe I can outheal the amount of damage he puts out at the speed that he does it. I’ve tried to before, and it doesn’t seem to work. Everything happens so fast. He’s right up in our faces and two of us are dead in about two seconds flat. By the time I come out of my fade, which I used to dodge his power punch, that same punch has just wall killed our other support and a DPS. We are now fighting 3v5, and it was completely effortless for him to get those picks.

That’s the issue with DF. I hate him.
Sombra can’t even get him in check because hack doesn’t last enough
Orisa is still very good and viable and is by far the best tank to bully DF

Ana is bad atm, especially against DF, Sleepdarts CD is far too long, you have no mobility, you are a sitting duck

If DF dominates a game like this, it’s gg next game.
You can only hope to overrun the enemy team, while you ignore DF, which is rarely viable

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Doom has been one of the strongest tanks in the game for months now. Sometimes there’s not a lot you can do.

Don’t ever put Brigitte up against Tanks.

This usually works, but unless your team is coordinated, don’t expect anything.

Don’t even bother doing this. Kiriko’s kunai and alternative fire is meant for finishing off targets or putting serious damage on them to be finished off. She’s not meant to be solo-ing Tanks. Try using Protection Suzu before the moment of Seismic Slam’s impact to prevent him from getting overhealth. Same trick with Rocket Punch.

Moira’s damage is too low for much work on Doomfist; but she used to work as a pretty good counter when he was a Damage-role hero. Not really true anymore, but she can still last a little better than others.

You don’t. You work with your team and support them in eliminating him. You cannot solo a tank; no one can except another Tank (and even that can be pushing it).

You can. He doesn’t impact healing, and he tends to be on the lower end of the damage spectrum compared to other Tanks. Just avoid him, learn to strafe, or Fade and work with your team.

Works to some degree. Doomfist just ignores her too.

Not really, because you can force DF to respect you
DF goes block and you ram the javelin down his throat, you have high sustain, consistent damage and you can get immune to his RP

In case the first section of this post didn’t make it clear, I’m at an elo (or just an unlucky streak) where the people I’m matched with do not treat this game like a team game, nor do they have any interest in doing so. Hell, sometimes even if I get lucky and someone is in the voice channel? I’ll say “Hi, how’s it going?” AND THEY LEAVE THE VOICE CHANNEL! Deliberately! Is the sound of my voice just that awful? It’s almost like they intended to opt out of it by default, and I just reminded them! That’s even worse!

There’s no communication. No coordination. No teamwork. The only way I could see this happening is if I suddenly lucked out and got a bunch of friends who like to talk. But those don’t grow on trees.

I’ll keep trying Ana and Moira, but in an environment like this, we collectively are not a team. We’re target practice for the fist man.

You don’t. He is harmless. Just leave him jumping around.

I hate to be blunt, but this is exceptionally unhelpful and just entirely untrue. If he’s harmless, then he shouldn’t be getting more damage and more elims than both enemy DPS COMBINED. He shouldn’t be doing anything noteworthy at all.

Well, he is.

It is not like you can do anything as a support against a tank anyway (either doom or anyone else).
Peek behind corners so he can’t wallslam you and lure him in front of your team.

Shooting at him a lot usually works, or go Cass or sombra and stop him from playing the game.

Edit saw you mentioned supports specifically, just go Kiri and nope away anytime he goes for you, Baptiste for an extra 2 hp bars, Lucio to play runaway, ana to sleep him whenever her presses the “please cc me” button…

Or get a duo

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Red team Doomfist always knows how to cycle his cooldowns in a way where he’s constantly farming overhealth and dodging CC. There’s nothing you can do other than pray

Fast supports can usually be decent at denying value for him, he will waste resources chasing after lucio/kiriko/mercy.

However, I also had quite a lot of success with lw. Using platform can complicate things for doom, you can make him waste his slam, if he chases you. Pulling teammates from doom’s grasp is always effective. Ana really depends on your team composition and if they can peel for you, but you have to be confident in your dart aim.

Orisa Brig Mei Lucio Ball Hog Pharah Echo Moira Sombra Bastion

I’m typically a diamond-masters player and I’ve just started practicing Doomfist. I can give you insight on what feels to counter me the most.

  1. Ana sleep dart is definitely my biggest threat. I pretty much have to listen and follow Ana’s sleep cooldown the entire game because there’s a very high likelihood of me dying if I get slept, more so than any other tank getting slept. Sleep dart pretty much changes the entire way I play Doomfist. This would be my top recommendation for a Doom counter.

  2. Kiriko with well-times Suzus can totally throw off my flow if they cause me to miss my punch. It’s annoying and is a little bit of a counter, but not as devastating as getting slept.

  3. Hog’s than can land well-timed hooks with a team that can follow up on it.

  4. Rein can sometimes counter me. If a Rein player is saving his charge for my critical punches, sometime’s he can negate a few of my punches, enough to disturb my flow. However, Doom’s punch cooldown is shorter than reins charge.

The thing that devastates Doomfist the most is anything than can throw off his rhythm. All of his abilities are very rhythmic and intertwined in usage, so any disturbance to the flow is a good way to counter Doom.

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I can’t play about half of those as a support player.

baptiste or high mobility characters

you cant delete doom as a support player. because youre not supposed to, youre playing SUPPORT. enable your teammates so they can do something against him for you. its their job to protect you from him.

position yourself in a way that he cant get free picks. stuns like sleep / bash work well. playing against doom is mostly a positioning skillcheck tbh. if he still doesnt die then, its not your fault. just gg and go next

I think your issue is you’re thinking how can I beat doomfist in a 1v1 as a support. Short answer you can’t. You’re better off running away than you are engaging and getting slaughtered. So instead of going for 4-6 headshots on kiriko just climb up a wall and laugh as he can’t do anything. Maybe avoid Ana unless you’re very confident in hitting sleep darts and anti consistently. Go moira to just fade out of all his abilities. Or go Lucio to boop every single thing he does preventing him from hitting anything and wall ride to avoid. You don’t need to win the 1v1 through a kill. Just survive and focus on what the others are doing which is most likely go for the enemies backline.

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