So healing is getting buffed again? What was the point then?

Healing getting buffed. Life Weaver and Brigitte now will become more efficient at healing?
What was the point of breaking the entire game with the health changes? Was it not originally to nerf healing? Once healing gets buffed again, then DPS will need to get buffed again, and then we are exactly back to square one.

Waste of time instead of identifying what is wrong with this game and truly changing it for the better.
You could start by reverting to 6v6.


You had me until 6v6.


Yeah idk why they are buffing team healing outputs.

The only healing they should be touching is self healing abilities that allow supports to survive by themself. Lw dash, Inspire, ana nade etc so they can survive more

Right now cus of the dps passive the self heal from inspire and lw dash are just useless.


Try and guess how much I care.

I am really fine with touching support damage abilities if it is required, like the damage on Ana’s grenade. But for the life of me I will not understand why they are actually crawling back into the hole they tried to dig themselves out, by AGAIN increasing healing output.
It just blows my mind.



Becuz after the first change the DPS players started to cry even more that they didn’t got enough heals…

That’s why they again buffed it …


You are an obvious support player.
Don’t turn this topic into a tribal war.


I was yes, not playing the game anymore but after the change I seen more DPS players cry in chat then ever before…

U don’t have to believe me that’s fine, I’m not here to convince anyone… I know what I’ve seen…


If there is less healing going around, and insane amount of heals still needs to be pumped into the tank, then of course there will be less left for everyone else.

But IMO a big part of that problem is how the game is being played. It is often two death balls moving on each other, with support pumping heals into the tank to such a degree, that they are almost the tank’s extension.
What happened to all the flanking? The cross healing being necessary by the healers?

The big problem is that they designed the new support heroes to be untouchable by flankers. Life Weaver with his platform, Kiriko with her teleport+zuzu, Baptiste with his raw duelling power combined with Lamp. Brigitte because… well, Brigitte.
So what can DPS do in such an environment where it is really hard to touch the support? They can either go insta-kill (Widowmaker, Hanzo) or they can try to bring down the enemy tank.
After the health buffs Hanzo can no longer insta-kill, and Supports are even harder to bring down than before, simply due to having more health. That leaves us with a single DPS that can touch support: Widowmaker. All other DPS will have to focus on the tank to a large degree - especially since the DPS passive is more or less required to bring down the tank.

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I’ve followed this company for 25+ years

it is pathologically incapable of admitting mistakes

so what they will do is dance around the issue, slowly revert everything by proxy until we’re back where we were before they screwed everything up


Lifeweaver is almost exactly the same. The DPS passive nerf was the actual buff to his healing lol, and even that’s still, you know, 15% more than it was prior to season 9.


Forums were crying too much for “DPS”, “tank and support suffer”. That is why.

Oh please. There needs to be an answer to flankers, and Brig was that answer. There are, however, too many get out of jail free cards now.


Seeming more and more like all that was total BS to just increase hitbox size and manipulate people to feel better about their aim.

Yes, but they doubled/trippled nerfed it.

We had the 20% heal reduction, making healing less efective

We had the health increase making healing heal for a smaller % of a players health/take longer to heal to full

We had the bullet size increase, which resulted in a accuracy increase, and a accuracy increase is effectivley a DPS increase.

When you Nerf healing and Buff damage, issue will accure, Its why tanking became even worse to play in S9. Less healing but more damage did not help tanks at all


Does it matter? They’re probably going to buff it a little so the damage output will still be more with than healing

I get why for Brig, but LW’s healing output was ok already; I feel like they made it more clunky for him.

Because equalizing queue times also fixes matchmaking.

And balancing around equalizing impact between roles hasn’t been important for 5 years, and the didn’t even work to stop GOATs back when it was “important”.

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I am not really after any specific hero.
But the combined weight of the survivability of the support class is too much for flankers. Certainly the game could have carried a Brigitte (as she is now! Omg, how she used to be), but when the majority of the support cast has the survivability it has, it just becomes too much for DPS.
Without flankers, the fight will not spread out, and you will see one match after the other essentially being two death balls shooting at each other, until one (often when the tank goes) keels over.

Because Blizzard wants to solve role population issues by making supports that are closer to dps than they are actual supports.

Maybe they should focus on making a fun game instead?
Now they made a raid boss out of the tank, but tank is more miserable to play than ever.
It isn’t exactly going well to attack game design from that angle IMO.

But that is a result of Role Queue, where the game was shoe horned into a very specific format. Role population problems first arose with RQ. Sure, DPS was more popular than the other roles pre-RQ, but there was not really a population problem, as the team would just play differently if not enough tanks.
Back in those days I would actually play all three roles, something I have not done in a long, long time (and not since OW1 in the case of tank).

If we had had no Role Queue now, I can assure you, that I would play alot more of all roles, so in a way RQ at least partly adds to the population problem.

Life Weaver and Brigitte now will become more efficient at healing?

They extended charge time to allow more healing. HPS is roughly the same.

The thing is no good LW charges blossoms to full because maths shows charging to 50% is better - basically halving the charge time results in only couple or percent HPS loss, which is significantly less than one would think (common sense says it would half the HPS but it doesn’t).

So this change doesn’t really change anything because rarely you should charge to full