So Genji's pretty much confirmed to get a Halloween skin

What does (PH) mean anyway?

Yeah thought so.
Well there is the other option: Either we will get a slasher Genji, or a student of the Cultist skin.

What if we get both?

Oh, sorry. It means Place Holder :slight_smile:

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Honestly I’d feel disappointed if he got a slasher skin, especially over his ronin costume in the comic. I just don’t think it would suit him at all. I’m a horror fanatic so I’m a bit of a stickler for this stuff though. :sweat_smile:

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Ghost might be Moira too.

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The Bride has to be Zarya!

Think of it, in the next Junkenstein’s Revenge, Zarya as The Bride being a new boss and uses her Graviton Surge on us, boy we’d be so screwed and the game would be more fun!!


Big, hulking brute wearing a hockey mask and wielding a fire axe.

I’d rather Genji get that Ronin skin that was teased last year than a murderous slasher skin.

The official name for it will be Hash Slinging Slasher

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people forget this, but genji is wearing a mask in most of his skins already. On top of that hog isn’t really a slasher type horror monster. I’m thinking it would be reinhardt or genji and genji hasn’t gotten a halloween event skin yet.

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okay, this is my new second hope lol. if the bride isn’t queenie it needs to be zarya.

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So a celebrity using her loyal fans to obey her every whim.
So far her exploits as the Queen seems to be taxing her people and even threatening to kill them if they don’t give her half of whatever they found, as seen with Junkrat - who would be DEAD if Roadhog wasn’t in the bar at that time.
Is she using those taxes to help her people? A full vault of gold behind her throne and a Summer Shack seem to be benefiting her more than the struggling Junkers.

But where is it stated that she fought in the ALF? All her bio states is that she’s use to fight in the Battle Mechs then she took over as Queen.
If she was in the ALF, why is she treating fellow fighters like Bruce and Roadhog like garbage?
She’s mad at Roadhog for ‘what he did’ - according to his comic. What that is, is still up in the air. Could be anything. But she seems pretty content in taking over and reaping the benefits as a self-proclaimed queen.

And yet its not stated that she fought in it too. We have two confirmed fighters of the ALF; Roadhog and Bruce. All we know is that she fought in Mech Battles and then took over as Queen. Nothing else. So deep.

Or its a common Junker look. Just watch Mad Max and play Fall Out. Turn it into a drinking game. Drink every time you see a woman with a mowhawk, you’ll be surprised.

Reinhardt didn’t get his lord skin either.

So Genji will most likely get Slasher (aka swordsman) and Rein will get a lord skin.

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It’s either a slasher as in Jason Voorhees Genji skin, or it’s just a codename for swordsman like Cultist was to “The Monk”

Reinhardt needs his lord skin.

Plus Roadhog has butcher, which has a butcher hook similar to Leatherface’s, and it’s already slashery as is. Plus he just got lacrosse and has Junk’s monster.

Genji is almost 100% slasher.

This is Blizzard, sooooo… Winston.

Moira better get a il Carnevale skin (even though she isn’t Italian) or else.

Notice this about slasher movies: All of the slashers use some form of bladed weapon, like a machete, chainsaw or in some cases, a kitchen knife, and in leatherfaces case, a butcher hook (but roadhogs already got a butcher SKIN).

Who is the only character known to have use a blade-like weapon? Genji.

Reinhardt wont because no way a slasher would hold up a giant shield protecting his team, and hitbox representation would be off as he NEEDS to always wear bulky armor. Plus he needs his lord of Adlersbrunn skin.

I mean Roadhog has a giant machete on his back and is and looks heavily like a serial killer ie a slasher flick so there is potential for Roadhog here.

He doesnt use that machete in combat though, Genji is the only one to make complete and total sense for as he uses his blades to cut the enemy limb from limb like a slasher would.

Plus slashers wouldn’t really use shotguns, mostly Machetes and Knives.

Yeah leatherface used a butcher’s hook, but Roady already has a Butcher skin.

I’m not saying it’s likely but possible. I could see a slasher flick Roadhog possibility.

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