So forced losses were a thing after all?

Not going to comment on your game play without seeing it. But that many losses, says either you’re doing something very wrong or your team just aren’t playing to your strengths.

People have forgotten how to play with the likes of ball in recent seasons.

Ok, well, the developers who have more info on what the player base wants than you do designed it that way on purpose. Not everything is designed with your preferences at the top of the list.

As long as you understand that the matchmaker isn’t making you a rank any other than what you belong, complain about matches all you want. There are one sided matches, which might feel bad, but it’s not placing you at a rank lower than you belong. You get free wins just as often as you get insurmountable losses.

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In low elos, yes, it does indeed do that in order to keep the majority in those lower elos by mismatching people.

But they don’t. They base their ‘info’ on the feedback from the minority which is the high profile content creators and gm-t500 players.

Which makes it all the more horrible.

I’m not saying they should, but they should at least have the brains to figure out when they’re doing a crap job, and in this case, they’ve done a crap job with the matchmaker and rank system.

Yet you fail to realize just how wrong that is… Good grief…

Matches shouldn’t be one sided if the matchmaker was correctly coded into matching players of equal skills and rank. Instead, they implemented a rank range system so bad it makes every other FPS titles ranked systems look good.

In OW2 bronze-gold you waste your time, waiting for a match that’ll either be you getting completely stomped, or your team completely stomping the enemy team due to the ridiculous matchmaker that matches bronze with silver and gold.

Only 1 out of 10 matches are what you could call a ‘close’ match. The rest are just one sided stomps.

The proper way of doing it would be to increase the amount of wins you need to unlock competitive and from there, have placement matches match new players vs new players in a solo queue. After that, it should be bronze vs bronze. Silver vs silver and gold vs gold, not 15 divisions across 3 different ranks. There’s nothing competitive about the current system whatsoever.

However, making changes like this would require a developer with actual balls, who doesn’t get swayed by the minority as easily as this developer does. It would require a developer who wants an actual competitive game. Overwatch 2 is not a true competitive game in its current state, with the current matchmaker.

Well said. There is a lot of “this was a bad match, so must be match maker” going on. Rather than considering that it might have been just 5 people on a team that have zero synergry.

Sometimes, you just don’t click with peoples p[playstyle or hero picks.

Happened in OWL, happening in OWCS. The best players sometimes just get rolled repeatedly too because something doesn’t click

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I jumped into quickplay just to check I wasn’t going mad lol. I know it’s not the same thing, but won that easily. Zero deaths. Played a few death matches went 24-0 then 22-3. Jumped back into comp and team got spawn camped by 4-3 while 2 of theirs chased me around point. This is open queue, I’m not the only tank. I don’t play main tank so I don’t play role queue.

There’s something very wrong alright, but it’s not anything I’m doing. Like I say, not really that bothered I don’t take the game seriously anymore. Just i don’t know how anyone can say this system is working as intended while keeping a straight face. Even the quickplay matchmaking was way off. It was just our team rolling while theirs quit and got replaced by some other poor sod.

3 of theirs quit right at the end only for 3
more to join and just load into a defeat screen. Must have been a great game for those that have waited in a queue for that.

I’d guess, you’ve won enough to increase your MMR and are now struggling to maintain that.

But like I said, can’t judge your game play.

I don’t think anyone is. It just isn’t the big issue some people are making it out to be.

If you said 2-3 dodgy games that felt weird, yeah system could have scuffed something.

But the volume you are suggesting… that’s gameplay somewhere, be it you, or your team.

14 game win now. The rigging is ridiculous at this point. So after playing normally I get a 27 game loss streak with teams that go negative kd and get lost on the way to point. And now it flips and all of a sudden my teams (despite being 2 entire devisions lower) group up, coordinate, know how to play their heroes.

I’m almost back to diamond. But really what’s the point? All I want is a fair match. I don’t want hard mode or easy mode. Maybe the little spreadsheets they love so much over at blizzard hq look great, but getting to 50%wr like this isn’t actually much fun playing the game.

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Well said something needs to change


Got up to 15 wins before being put back on a loss streak. The rigging is laughable :joy:. So I get 3 matches in a row utterly destroyed in all. Yet all three are apparently “reversal” expected to win, after the 2nd I got loss streak (even though I didn’t see one win streak in 15 wins?) and the third my rank is apparently volatile again. Think I lost about 150% in 3 games where it was a loss before it had even begun.

What an absolute joke this game has become.

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I absolutely believe this because I’ve seen it with my own eyes on my accounts when I used to play. Intellectual devs would say “I need to look into this deeply, there’s something highly complex going wrong here and although it will take some time I’ll get to the bottom of it.” General IQ devs will look at this and blame the player, or strategies, or some other nuance.

Imagine thinking it’s plausible that someone who has was easily holding high diamond suddenly and remarkably started playing so bad that they lost 27 matches down to gold.

This here is called confirmation bias.

It happened to me on 1 account when I tried to unlock heros, I could barely ever win a game until managed to unlock the hero. It was like trying to make it nearly impossible to win so you need to grind like crazy to get what you want. It made my account so low, that now I am climbing like crazy 30-40% up each game and went from S4 (nearly dropped to bronze 5) all the way to gold3 so far.

I think the modifiers need to be removed at this point. The game just doesn’t have a clue where anyone should be, so these modifiers make no sense. Why were they even there in the first place if they had reset ranks?

I just had a match where we stood absolutely no chance. Enemy had a leaver second round and we managed to claw back a victory, it was not easy even 5v4. Yet rank update says it was expected :man_shrugging:. Ridiculous.

Volatile modifier means that you have been put in a rank that the system does not think you belong to (I think it mostly applies when you rank up, don’t know if it applies when you rank down too), if you lose any match when you are in that rank, your losses will make you lose 100-150% more sr.

This is very true.

But it doesn’t mean they are wrong. It is just as likely, if not more that they’ve just explained them badly.

And when I say badly, I mean not at all.

they took the old sr system and put it in COD. And took the COD system and put it in overwatch 2

They are explained clearly. They are simply wrong and may as well just be randomly guessing outcomes. Why are you trying so hard to defend the system?

If Blizz knew their predictions were mostly accurate they would post stats on the win rates of games with expected and uphill battle. If favored to win teams are losing more often than not you can bet they would never admit it.

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That I don’t agree with. It is Blizzard after all. Most of the interpretations seen on here are just peoples understandings (some probably more accurate than others).

I would love to know where I’ve defended it. I have simply said they need to explain them more (or just hide the modifiers again). Whether they are right or wrong carries very little interest to me. I don’t see the point in micromanaging my progress.

You might be right. You might be wrong. I’d rather they just gave clear definitions for each modifier. Or hid them again.

Personally I don’t check these things. For example, finally doing some placements on my main. Noticed it wasn’t moving down when I lost 3 in a row. Then when I placed I was 3 divisions higher than when I noticed that point. 3 games later and I’d gone up another 2 divisions. But that is just me. I’d rather compare where I started and where I finished, instead of losing my mind over each individual match.


My guess is that you were winning too much, and you potentially could be moving up a tier/rank, and at that time the AI algorithm determined you needed to lose now.
… however without the transparency in matchmaking required to determine why and how matches/groups are created, you will simply be left in the dark…

… However, one possibility is if you see your rank/tier progress bar getting within 70% of next rank/tier, you may consider finding 4 smurfs to carry you across the finish line. (/s?)