So forced losses were a thing after all?

Here’s a post from Kaplan about the matchmaking:

(3rd post in the thread)

Tell me where he says either Map winrate is used, or using voice comms.
Here’s what he lists:

  • The first factor is time. The matchmaker will try to find you match quickly and not force you to wait too long
  • A second factor we take into account is ping
  • Which brings us to the next factor that we match on: grouping

Also more on topic, even on that post Kaplan writes:

At no point in MMR calculations do we look at your win/loss ratio and win/loss ratio is never used to determine who to match you with or against. We are not trying to drive your win/loss percentage toward a certain number (although the fact that so many people are at 50% win rates makes us extremely happy). All the system does when it comes to matching on skill is attempt to match you with people of a similar number.

It’s not a matter of you not believing me, you’re not believing what you’re seeing in front of your face when it happens to you, and it will happen if you play a decent amount of solo queue, it’s not debatable. Also, I don’t think they’re lying, I think they literally are incompetent and don’t know what their bloated matchmaker is doing.

It is. I’ll believe the devs more than anecdotes from anonymous forum users.

Here’s Morgan some time ago on that point:

Plat seems really hard now like everyone has good aim except me.

I’ve seen that already, what they said is true but there’s nuances to it that you don’t understand, you’re light years behind understanding how the matchmaker really works and I don’t have time to help you understand it. So like I said, enjoy your win streaks followed by loss streaks.

You know even less about me than about the matchmaker.

Well yeah, I’ve never met you and I’ve spent countless hours playing the matchmaker. Why would I know more about you than the matchmaker?

No offense but you’re out of your league here in every way possible, so I’ll let you have the last word with whatever insignificant thing you’re going to say next.

It was a news article, an interview he said. I literally just cut down a tree in my back yard, I’m touching grass.

Let me come back and put my reading glasses on and school some young folk as to what they said.

He never said anything of the sorts. As stated above, there are only 4 considerations. With MMR being front and centre of it.

“that’s a funny one, there’s no forcing”.

That is pretty clear that it isn’t a thing… Yet Jimmy in Bronze knows better… Forums for video games can be pretty funny sometimes.

Immediately confirms the match maker can’t even see win rates too.

Well the matchmaker being quite loose is a given.

But in particular the modifiers show, intentionally or not, that you can be placed in artificially induced win/loss streaks. As the OP shared example of.

And yes were all aware every game is theoretically winnable due to the absurd amount of variables once you walk out the spawn door. But we are strictly talking about the matchmaker.

Up to 27 losses now :joy:. manged to get 3 wins very hard fought, then the next loss I get “loss streak” and lose all the progress? Its quite funny how hard the game rigs it at this point. I was approaching masters and easily holding my own, and now I’m heading to gold and still can’t win. How does that work. It feels like the game just randomly decided I should be 3 ranks lower and is doing everything it can to get me there. That or I suppose I must have forgotten how to play the game overnight…

It’s not that the enemies are hard, they’re gold. But I can roll in kill 3 people and roll out for heals and to reset. Then I realise 1 of my team are afk in spawn, 1 has managed to get lost on the way to point and the other 2 are dead before my cooldowns are even back online.

At this point if there was an option to have a team of bots I’d take it.

I also notice that with that last update they hide your ranks adjustment again. You have to press back at the first screen otherwise it’s not shown at all. Blizzard back to usual then. If it’s broken just hide it and hope nobody notices.

“its not forced, they just you know you wont likely win :)”

that is the same thing lmao

Playing Ball still?

How are you losing that many playing the little Hamster…

If you watch the video, you’ll understand it’s neither.

“Expected” is just a crap tag to use that’s confused people.

No idea tbf. It’s not natural to go from 65%wr in high diamond to literally 10% wr for almost 30 matches in a row. Not like they’re all together either. Jump on for a few games, continue the loss streak. Give up, a couple of days later the same thing. This is why I think it’s rigged or broken or likely both, there’s no other explanation.

My last game I was literally the only one on my team with a positive KD. I spawn camped 2 of their tanks for almost the entire match (I don’t know why they chased me). Yet my team still unable to capture the point. One of them was 2-24 by the end. I watched the replay back and they weren’t throwing, they were just that bad. Had no idea how to even play the game, used all their cool downs for no reason, just walked at the enemy alone over and over and didn’t even know to contest point.

I’ve given up again at this point. I was enjoying my weekend playing single player games until I decided to load OW up. Big mistake. It’s really strange how with every update they seem to want to drive more and more players away from the game. Ah well, at least I only wasted a couple of hours on it.

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Sounds rough. The ball is not in a good place right now, but losing that much… You’ve got to really try to do that lol.

I don’t know. I think he’s pretty strong at the moment. My stats are way up, hardly die at all. Not that it means much when the matchmaking is this broken and your “skill” is just wins and losses. I mean look at the front page of the forum. Almost every post is saying the same thing.

Yeah there is a lot of misinformation on here. People think forced results are a thing :rofl:

I think I’m at about 70% wr on ball this season. But then I stopped playing him and now Mauga is king.

Hopefully the ball rework doesn’t make him meta. I’d rather then just tweaked a couple of bits but kept him as he is.

Guess I must have really forgot how to play the game overnight then.

Typical Reintard player with a high school minor at the helm sabotaged our game, with alt accounts you can ruin as many games as you want with impunity. NC41GP