So for 2019, could you actually add content?

New Archives mode only if we are lucky.


I’d really like to see this & think it would actually counter one tricking;

do xx amount of healing
do xx damage
get xx kills with x ult


factions would also be a nice addition;

select an in game faction (talon, overwatch, blackwatch, junkers…) and hit milestones to unlock faction exclusive content;

win on x map xx times
get xx kills on x faction heroes


Wow there was a smart hamster who escaped with Winston and currently has fun in Junkertown. He clearly was an afterthought and was just added into the lore.

I mentioned the Blackwatch Event already.

Ashe is just another McCree as a female and wasn’t even planned as a hero. She has a cool omnic butler and does stuff that McCree was used to do lore wise. That’s it.

This is the bare minimum of lore for the new heroes and this feels straight up lazy from the Lore Team. Hammond and Ashe are basically just side characters in the lore. (Orisa too)

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Best is, for the holiday event, Blizzard World is hyped, its exactly the same, except Christmas lights on the walls. At least effort was put into King’s Row.

Even with the minimal effort, they still managed to screw it up. Solid work.


I totally agree. The game is starting to get a little stale for me as well.
Give us some new maps, a map vote system. Choice of arcade modes instead of random modes that no one wants to play.
I hate that we can’t decide anything as players, we basically get whatever mode and map blizz gives us.


There’s like three different things in the pipeline that we apparently don’t know about, at least I think that’s what I remember jeff saying somewhat recently.

One of these is a major social feature that was supposed to come out around august or september but got delayed cause it was more work than anticipated.

I wouldn’t mind getting a new objective type for quick play and competitive. Maybe something like a tug of war or reverse-hybrid. As long as they keep it to a single objective per round I’d like new types of gameplay, but I think capture the flag has shown that having two objectives on the map and having to split attention between attack and defense is really not a fun way to play this game competitively


Apparently they have said something big next year (upcoming), let’s hope so; looking forward to what they add for archives upcoming year. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Blaze-14427, post:46, topic:275381, full:true”]
I wouldn’t mind getting a new objective type for quick play and competitive. Maybe something like a tug of war or reverse-hybrid. [/quote]

Reverse-hybrid honestly sounds nice. Start the map escorting the payload, go through your streets phase, then the final point would switch it up to a capture the objective to finish the round.



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I mean he was literally introduced back when the HLC map came out but sure.

I REALLY THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME. I play the best using that skin as well.

Lore doesn’t count as content for the game. If it’s not added to the game itself, then it’s not content. And new maps are hardly new content either, because the maps in this game are nothing more than new skins for the limited amount of game modes. If maps weren’t limited to one game mode per map, then maybe new maps would count. As for heroes, I would hardly count those as new content either, as most new heroes have like 1 unique thing about them, while the rest of their abilities already exist in the game in some capacity.

EDIT: And cosmetic items are not content. Content adds or subtracts from the game and usually gives you something new to do, cosmetic items don’t do this.

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And new gamemodes are hardly new content either, because the gamemodes in this game are nothing more than new skins for limited amount of game mechanics.


And the same events for the third time.
Maybe archives will be good, but that’s still just a 4th PVE event based on the same concept.
Also lore? We got like a hamster story.

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Exactly. The “game modes” this game adds aren’t game modes, they’re just rule sets for which hero you can pick, or their stats, etc.

Right. So content being new is defined by it in no capacity being already present in any way.
An example of this would totally be Overwatch Solitaire integrated into the game. Oh, but wait! The characters in that wouldn’t be new, guess we’ll just have cards with numbers on them.
But wait! Numbers are already present in the game through damage values and whatnot, guess we’ll just have blank cards.
But wait! Cards are already used at the end of each game, guess we’ll just have no new content. Shame.

He was hinted, that’s all. He never really got introduced and came outta nowhere when they finally introduced Wrecking Ball.

By giving him a name, he was thus introduced as a character.

Except if they added Overwatch Solitaire it’d actually be a unique game mode, since there are no other game modes like it in Overwatch. And you seem to misunderstanding me when I make reference to new maps just being new skins for the existing game modes. Yes, a lot of the new maps have different layouts and looks to them, but they’re each restricted to just one game mode, making them essentially new skins for those game modes. They’re not really meaningful content that actually adds reason to play the game. You don’t even get to choose the maps unless you create a game. As for the game modes, no, I don’t count things like Mystery Heroes or Low Gravity to be new game modes, those are just rule sets. The only game modes in this game are 2CP, KOTH, Payload, 2CP/Payload Hybrid, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and CTF, and only 4 of those are even available in QP and Comp.

Great we got a name. That’s basically everything. He’s about as relevant in the lore as Orisa.