So for 2019, could you actually add content?

Like, something new? Skins, emotes, and highlight intros DO NOT count as new content. It’s purely cosmetic and offers nothing towards gameplay. Releasing the exact same events with no changes but updated hero balance and the option to choose 4 more heroes in an event-specific game is NOT new content. We already experienced the game mode, adding 4 more heroes is nothing new when you can do with arcade settings.

The game NEEDS to evolve. More story? Yes. please. More game-modes? YES. PLEASE. A new style of game added to the main screen besides QP and COMP? OH MY GOODNESS. SOMETHING. Anything besides the norm.


defaultie spotted, only defaulties disregard skins just because they don’t contribute to gameplay


Getting new clothes for your daughter’s barbie doll won’t make her play with it more.


Content? What’s that, food? Clearly we’ll get barely anything for 2019 too.


Well, what if the barbie doll was actually a robotic centaur and the clothes were armor that made it look like a really cool beetle and they were called Dynastinae?


We got heroes, maps, lore, skins…


if i say no, can we move on?

I have a ton of skins and use even more in-game but share OP’s opinion. What does that make me?

default normie? Deformie? De-atFaultie? Who? Blizzard of course.


New clothes for her barbie doll are nice to have, but it’s still the same doll.
Your daughter wants new toys to play with.


And yet, when I suggest adding Tracer’s girlfriend as the next hero people complain.

That sounds like a different topic for another time.
People will always find something to complain about.

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I hope they have something big in store for us.

It’s been fun, and this game has already cemented itself as one of my favorites but if we don’t get any new events, pve modes, or anything new for that matter I might have to let this one go.


I dunno about you but I notice I play worse when I use certain skins or better when I use other ones. There is at least some psychological value in cosmetics beyond vanity and desire.


Its true. I play Mercy best when I use her fortune skin, but play worse when I use her imp/devil skin.

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That’s actually quite interesting, perhaps there is something more going on there underneath the surface. I can’t say I have experienced this myself, but I won’t disregard it either.

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When I use her Winged Victory I pretty much throw without wanting to but when I use the Phoenix one I just play more seriously. I dunno. Skins are like a persona, I guess you gotta find one that just suits your nature.

It’s a shame cause I like the Greek aesthetic too.

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Lore? The only lore we got this year was the Blackwatch Event and the Echo Reveal. That’s pretty dissapointing.


Is it becoming more and more convincing that they are working on an Overwatch expansion or Overwatch 2? That was the rumor leading to this year’s Blizzcon.

I dont want to get my hopes up then get overwatch mobile mini game in 2019 haha


don’t you people have phones?