So, Feedback on community craft mode

some personal opinions of all the balances proposed by content creators:


  • Roadhog: a very stupid balance with his gamestyle;
  • Sigma: he uses buffs that are not very necessary for his quality life;
  • Junkrat: the ultimate is useless for how it is set;
  • Symmetra: for the umpteenth time they preferred to “play” with her instead of making her think useful for the TP;
  • Sojourn: the run penalizes too much the buffs that were given to her;
  • Sombra: she ONLY has management flaws;
  • Widow: she is not a widowmaker, but just a younger Ana without healing.
  • Hanzo: the memory of the scatter arrow is nice, but the speed of the arrows and the recharge time in my opinion do not work at all with her gameplay. I do not see any useful analysis;
  • Mei: I do not see the usefulness of this ultimate. Maybe I would only save the slide, but it is very easy to forget to use it during the fights;
  • Lucio: rejected because it encourages solo gameplay too much for lucio players, both in trying to reach a greater height and in using the boop. too useless for the team;

:thinking: Interesting, but we need to change direction

  • Mauga: Interesting damage increase, but I don’t think the critical damage increase is useful;
  • Orisa: I appreciated this revival, but it’s very difficult to remember this technique in combo with the javelin. also maybe there are too many nerfs to compensate for this technique;
  • Bastion doesn’t do well with self-healing, but the speed increase seems very useful to me. I like the explosion after death;
  • Reaper: it’s very dynamic, but I think the imitation with moira needs to be changed in some detail. maybe instead of doing damage while passing enemies it receives a bit of health based on the enemy’s health?;
  • I feel like I’m seeing some small flaws of the old torbjorn: if there’s no turret, it risks looking like it’s doing too little for the team. However, I like that there are moments in which the turret is a threat to be avoided rather than too easy to destroy;
  • Illari: it has a fairly strong flaw in the turret replacement. I would study this technology better before re-proposing it in the future, sometimes it doesn’t activate at all when we would like;
  • Mercy: I’m interested, but it’s a bit too situational. I would re-propose it for certain arcade game modes in the future;

:neutral_face:Fairly OK but maybe OP

  • D.VA: too advantaged in the defects it originally has, perhaps. But being able to mythify the rays a little is a functional thing to support the extreme cpunter pick;
  • Doomfist: I’m quite convinced, but I fear that he has touched the dps role too much. I would avoid the budds on the dash and on the primary fire. the ultimate is uselessly advantaged in the wait, perhaps;
  • Zarya: interesting buff given to companions, but the graviton absorption power is too OP;
  • Ashe: excellent management of the dynamite, but together with the decisional power on BoB it could create too convenient situations. between the two I would give up the stop command on BoB. without it, she could be ok;
  • Lifeweaver has had some interesting buffs, but maybe a bit too much in preventing kills. The double platform doesn’t seem to solve lifeweaver’s problems with it well;

:+1:Ok, why aren’t in the game?

  • Junker queen: works better with armor instead of temporary life;
  • Ramattra: can help him a lot against flying heroes;
  • Brigitte: simply great to be able to see her healing and have a bit of speed after the shield bash;

:grimacing: OP

  • Wrecking Ball: the double landing is a bit too destabilizing for opponents, causing a bit too many easy kills. the mine buff was not necessary;
  • Reinhardt: super interesting, but maybe has too many buffs. I would give up the damage reduction during the Charge OR the speed after the dart;
  • Cassidy: too many perks, but I would keep the health gain;
  • Soldier: interesting the speed increase, but has too many buffs on everything else.
  • Genji: I would remove one of the perks of the ultimate, otherwise it is too strong with the Nano boost combo;
  • Pharah: too OP in the health gain. But I like that she can move a little more during the ultimate;
  • Echo: too convenient in a tournament context?;
  • Ana: too many buffs for the kit she has;
  • Kiriko: the repositioning is too frequent;
  • Moira: unnecessary extra damage;

:person_shrugging: I don’t know

  • Winston: I have seen terribly little of him in this mode. reading it in the patch notes I like it, but I don’t have the basis to judge it well;
  • Tracer: I have not seen so many differences from the tracer before the introduction of the new passives and health of the heroes.
  • Venture: I have not noticed great qualitative differences;
  • Baptiste: I thought his balance was anonymous;
  • Zenyatta: I don’t think the balance on kick was functional, and in my opinion the ultimate cancels out the counterability of this ultimate a bit too much;

I’ve mostly enjoyed it, with the exception of the Symmetra laser limbo sticks - those are godawful, the insta-teleports are fine, though.

Seems like it made Kiriko’s teleports even glitchier though - many time I got the confirmation box around a target, and then for whatever reason the teleport ended on the wrong side of a wall on the way to the target. Didn’t seem to be a range thing - my first thought was maybe they were just in range and moved out so it defaulted to the flash step, but it would also sometimes happen when they were definitely in range throughout.

Helps you to not get picked out of the air as easily by a sniper, and to reposition after a jump slightly faster. But I really wish they would have done a test with his Imo Field to see if a different version of it would work well, while also killing complaints about to many immortality abilities in the game.

in reality it would make sense for them to be instant only for her. but this does not solve two stupid problems that TP has always had, which in my opinion deserves a greater value in its use:

  • Instant TP only for Symmetra (the team can only choose whether to use it or not)
  • No summoning of TP less than 20 m, it is damn stupid to be able to summon it at such a short distance and unfortunately in a hurry it can happen that it is summoned in that way (wasting it).
  • no distance limit for the TP that moves away by itself on the mobile platforms (volskaya, route 66, etc.) thus making the use of SYmmmetra much more favorable in some types of maps.