So... Doomfist Mains

Barriers, invulnerabilities, mobility, etc

All of those countered the ult, only heroes that struggle with it was Ana and Zen, both which could evade it with obstacles of the map

Because DF is forced to use said tricks due to how poor his state is, you want that thing removed? then compensate for it

Massive size (bigger than Zarya)


Low resources

Lack of range


Just stop it, you dont know what youre talking about, if you wanna complain about the hero then at least know how he actually is

Your lack of knowledge of counters is hilarious as well.
Hard counters should not exist. Even a junkrat should be and is capable of countering a pharah, and a pharah should be and is capable of countering a widow. But Zen vs DF? “No cHaNcE” -doomfish

I do think DF is easy. I think having at least 4 ways to guarantee a kill on someone is easy. I think that essentially healing yourself with damage is easy. I think playing an extremely mobile hero is easy. Yea i think he’s easy. sue me.

Yeah but she became fine after all the rez and valkyrie nerfs. Healing nerf was unwarranted. And Mercy mains are still hated and insulted.

While there are other DPS who are hated by the community (Bastion, Junkrat, Mei, Reaper, Widowmaker, Sombra) whenever they become viable, Doomfist is the absolute king of collecting forum tears.

I have been a Junkrat main since 2016 and while he was hated and cried about after he got the second mine and increased tire speed, it stopped after grenade hitbox nerf and didn’t start again (mostly) even after he got other buffs to compensate for hitbox nerf (projectile speed buff, damage buff).

While Doom was continuosly nerfed into the ground and people still cry and whine and cry and whine despite the hero being in the dumpster. I guess they will never be satisfied as long as they see him at all in their games.

They try to justify it due to him being “unfair” but this is subjective – to me, for example, Widowmaker and PharahMercy seem much more unfair to play against while Doom can be countered with relative ease. I legitimately only considered him unfair only when he had 3 seconds air-lock on uppercut.

And how you wanna fix the hard counters issue?

Cause theres several, and with a game with so much variety like OW is practically impossible to remove them

Ok show me footage of you playing him, its so easy so it should be no issue, or do you even play him in the first place?

PharahMercy doesn’t one-shot people out of nowhere and instantly jump back to safety. They’re flying in the air and you know exactly where they are and can counter them just fine.

Widow - if you position yourself carefully you can literally never get killed by widow… and she’s literally a sitting duck. I can’t imagine an easier to kill hero.

Both of them are very easy to counter. Doomfist is NOT.

except stuff like that is just exploiting the physics engine and is 100% repeatable like mercys super jump, when people want bug fixes its for stuff that can just randomly happen, like uppercuts and slams just not registering or the changes they just made to slams movement

so because it’s repeatable it’s justified? is that your logic? i think the key word is “exploiting”.

the point was that its not a bug, its just their physics engine being garbage, like have you seen what people have figured out is possible with emotes (its not just doom for that one)

DF only one shots with one of his abilities, which require a full charge most of the time and a wall

Which btw its extremely loud and risky to use offensively

She can insta kill from any range and basically denies entires areas that arent covered by a barrier

Doomfist is extremely easy to counter, to the point that i can deal with him by myself just fine

also, the fact that its repeatable and learnable means that players can play around that knowledge, its the reason ive learnt doom and it makes the matchup against him way easier with any hero

Doomfist is OK where he is. An easy mode hero that takes advantage of others who don’t play strong counters.

call it what you want but it clearly wasn’t intended to be part of his kit, and yet it’s being used by every DF these days. Even KarQ made a video training ppl on how to use and abuse this “physics engine being garbage” phenomenon. You know how many hackers justify themselves with the same logic? “it’s not cheating, it’s just clever use of faulty game mechanics”

Hacking and using map physics are two completely different things

Several heroes can use map physics to their advantage, DF simply takes the most advantage of it

ah here we go. Ignorance at it’s best. well done

Says the person that just compared Hacking to using Map physics

How do you even compare those two things?

How to show you have zero knowledge on the hero you’re trying to critique 101.

hacking = cheating.
abusing map physics = cheating

every df uses this bug. every df justifies this bug in one way or another, while knowing full well that it’s cheating.

It’s called interaction with map geometry. Blame the map designers for having it in such a way. Also every character has techs. I guess people using super jump on mercy are “cheaters” as well?

Does abusing map physcis allow you to always land headshots regardless of how bad you aim is?

Does it allow you to see trough walls?

Does it get you permanently banned? hell even temporarily banned?

I’ve already responded to the same idiotic comment, if you want to scroll up