So do you just... never get trust level 3 back?

I know im trust level 3, but I’m curious are you able to load my trust level on it? I tried to and it said there was an error

Links to certain domains are apparently whitelisted for TL2, definitely twitter and reddit.

Playing in a group hurts your endorsement. Best way to bring it up is to soloq and play support or make big plays as tank/DPS.

I used to play in a group and always had level 2. Now I soloq and always have level 3 without changing anything else. It’s really a system for soloq players.

I also noticed some youtube videos were and any official blizzard website should be as well

that makes sense. “We trust you to keep your links relevant to overwatch. but no free rein, last time someone posted adult content. Not doing that again”

Huh this is strange, your forum profile is hidden and your json is pretty empty. Might be privacy settings here on the forum. I’ll need to look into this.

I lost mine during the forum update. My guess is that you need to make another 1000 posts to get it back.

Correct, after you said my profile was hidden I went to check my settings and apparently hide my profile was set to on for some reason, I unhid it so your trust level check should work for me now if that was the problem

You need to wait a minimum of 100 days if you haven’t already.

You can easily, there’s no penalty.

Yeah that seems to be the issue, I managed to replicate it on my account too.

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There is actually a penalty but its temporary, to get trust level 3 you cant have had action taken against your account in the past 6 months, but once that period is over its easy to get TL3 back

I was able to link something for like a day. I guess it was a bug cause I can’t anymore.

I never understood why you had to be a forum slave to link something… if it’s due to abuse, just report the abuse and ban them geez…

Nope, nothing to do with account actions. One day it disappeared and I’ve never gotten it back. Just disappeared. No reason. Use the tool, it says level 0. Ok.

Let me check

Oh I got it now. Weird.

I was at 3 but have been at 0 for months and months since I had a silence on the forums. I dunno.

idk man, i have been suspended 3 times because of snowflakes that can’t take a joke,

And i was able to post pictures and links. can’t right now however.

how the hell do i even see my trust lvl?



You need to unhide your forum profile, go to preferences/interface/“Hide my public profile and presence features” and turn it off, then save your settings.

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so i’m at zero …what does that even mean? I didn’t even know there was a trust level.

I got silenced right when the new boards started for saying some one or something was bull… finish the rest for context. so thats been what? almost 2 years ago?

I don’t know why but that sounds pretty hilarious.


If it’s your first time u might get it back in 2 days or a week. If it’s your second or third time u might get it back after a few months