So Deadlock was founded in 1976

They both do, actually, as was confirmed by a dev sometime awhile back. (Maybe Chu himself? Don’t remember).

Tracer’s only 26, so she should look relatively young. And Mercy’s nano-tech probably keeps her looking youthful and healthy. But /shrug.

Also, the 1976 thing was probably just an American bicentennial reference. Is it literally on a Deadlock tattoo? I’ve never seen it.
EDIT: I posted ^ that before seeing the two posts ahead of mine. Hmm, weird.

Or, as someone said, they could’ve founded Deadlock 2.0 in 2045 or whatever.


She the new grandmama

Wasnt there a movie called “Deadlock” in 1976? Could be a reference.

1970 and 1991 unless I’m missing one.
Regardless, they really should have known better when giving him that tat

It could be either a retcon or Ashe was not a founder but instead is just another leader of Deadlock amongst many.

Yeah i wasnt completely sure there, thanks for clearing it up. But if Chu really wanted to clear it up he can just say cryostasis. Would also explain why she uses a level action rifle, when they probably have hundreds of better options in the future. I cant imagine someone with Ashes personality would want to have a disadvantage, so she probably uses a lever action because its what shes used to.

Tracer is outside of space time , with out her device she will phase in an out of existence . Time travel normally for everyone else but not for tracer . Ashe ? well Sofia Viagaras is 47 and she hot as hell , being 39 doesn’t mean you’ll look like grandma . Particular for a Rich person access to the greatest technology and things money can buy . Ashe is living the karadashin life . Mercy it her nano tech .

2 Likes ppl are saying retcon



Right, without her device. But currently, with her chronal accelerator equipped, she ages normally.

I’d imagine her time “lost in time” doesn’t count towards that, and she’d be “frozen” in that case. That’s not really been confirmed, but considering she didn’t need to eat or drink for the months she was a time ghost … kinda seems logical. :stuck_out_tongue:

Does she age normally ? like Not sure what Scfi Tropes there using but if we are talking Trek Timetravel , a character can be in the time stream and not be effected by changes to time meaning there in a bubble of Space time that coexist with the normal time stream . Meaning they go unchanged in there own pocket reality while the world changes around them . I was thinking that the situation with tracer . Where does she go to when she pops out of reality , I would think it just means her pocket reality of space time is out of sync with the real world . she could pop out and come back and Winston is old as hell . I though the chrono device just kept her spacetime anchored but she still out phase. I mean aging is (Just damage to the body genetic repair systems over time ) there already scientist right now finding way to reverse it in animals including animals that don’t age and trying to test it on human right now . like this werid jelly fish called the “Immortal jelly fish” . The idea that will age the same very far into a future is a outdated scfi trope lol…

That picture is literally of me playing McCree. If you click the link of the picture on google, it takes you to a forum post I made. That’s a weird coincidence.


Grats on having one of the best shots of the tattoo lmao

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Good question. I did manage to find one of the confirmations from Michael Chu, though, but you’re right … he doesn’t clarify that she ages normally.… DUN DUN DUN. XD

Also Torbjorn was in the Deadlock gang as well in his youth.

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Please dont be joking

And, seriously, is this really a debate? Cryostasis and reviving the dead are both well established technologies in this game.

Nothing about higher physics is logical lol… that one thing I’ve learned from studying Quantum mechanics papers and black holes . it very bizarre and defies normal common sense are brain were not built to understand it . The stuff being studied in actual sciences about time travel other worlds particles and crap is werider than are current scfi tropes lol.


And those are both newer technologies. There are no indications that anyone reverse ages either.

proof? where did you get this info from