I’ve been DDos’ed in most games that I’m winning. Just curious?
I have never experienced this phenomenon
Cool. I’ve been DDos’ed 3 times today
ddossing is pretty pricy. Who would do that for online game?
Apparently it’s rampant talking with other people on OW. It’s now a common thing to ask if someone has DDos’ed their rank or not.
This is more of an Xbox issue not Overwatch which unfortunately Blizzard can’t really do anything about it which this doesn’t just affect Overwatch and countless other games too. Which I recommend that you check out this post here that the Blizzard Technical Support Representative Drakuloth has posted regarding the whole situation and how you can avoid getting DDoSed.
Great post! Thanks! Sucks I have to play this on PC only to avoid this issue.
I play on Xbox and for me personally I never experienced a single DDoS from anyone from my 7500+ hours playing Overwatch but then again I am in plat so I can’t really tell.
Happened to me 3x today and I’ve played in previous matches some where my random teammate did it to other and it’s happening to me. According to the xbox site there is nothing they can do since it’s to the person personal IP.
It’s great to know though that if you get to a high enough rank people cheat you out of wins.
The only thing I can say is if you know the player responsible for DDoSing you I suggest you report them for cheating and if you can maybe try to get a VPN just to prevent something like this from happening again.
I appreciate the damage control but this turns me off to ever playing this game again. Suck cheaters have to ruin it.
That’s very unfortunate but hopefully Microsoft better get this resolved soon before things get worse.
If you’re on console don’t join parties. People are so pathetic they ddos in basically any rank lol.
I think it is more of an console or xbox problem and not so much Blizzards or Overwatch. It doesn’t happen on PC but pretty much just xbox.
You don’t have to join parties. It happens anyway.
You may want to see if you can actually try first asking your Internet Service Provider to change your IP address first. Chances are your IP address and Xbox gamer tag may have been be tracked by databases which people can use to DoS you, so changing the database may stop further attacks of you see them.
That case with Super was a full fledged DDoS attack against the server, not a DoS targeting a specific person’s IP address.
I’m pretty sure that this is more of an issue that Xbox needs to fix instead of Overwatch.
Yeah, xbox is extremely bad in terms of data security. Its been going on for more than a decade but microsoft hasnt done a damn thing about it. Thats why i switched to ps and i havent been ddosed since then (2017)