So... Comics. Still a thing?

I didn’t insult anyone, I simply meant to highlight how hypocritical his statement was. If I had truly intended to insult anyone, I would’ve been banned an hour ago. Maybe saying

Here I am, clearly and concisely stating my arguments, meanwhile you persist in offering no single iota of an argument other than “duuuhh… I tHiNk CoMiCs ArE DuMb.”

could be interpreted with malicious intent, but that’s about it.

you’re so thirsty for arguing with people on the internet you’re even trying to dispute whether you are tilted and inflammatory. that’s real rich, bud. it wasn’t even up for debate!!! hahaha! LMFAO this mf :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:


If I wanted to argue, I’d go find some conspiracy theorists or something. All i wanted here was to figure out what this guy thought they should be doing in place of comics and shorts. It only became an argument when they made it one.

no, scrolling up and reading through the logs, that is not what happened at all. you were clearly tilted because they don’t like the comics and were hounding them into arguing with you. i don’t know if you know this or not, but it’s all up there for people to read.

you go around insulting people for their “lack of intellectual complexity” but it doesn’t take a complex mind to be able to tell when someone is refusing to engage with you. but thirsty is as thirsty does i guess! they straight up told you and you went full monkey. but you somehow think you come off as clear and concise. you’re a barrel of laughs, broheim.

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The comics and short stories are a waste of time. They are given out to the fans for free so they aren’t even making money. They are too short to be of any serious substance. The art style is bad in some of them.

This is the kind of game that either shouldn’t have any lore since it doesn’t matter in-game or they should make the game better and incorporate the lore in the game because quite honestly they wasting money drawing glorified fanart comic books when they could be making the game better. Fire the story telling team since story is pointless in this game and hire more developers. The story team is what you might call unnecessary since they haven’t moved the plot in 3 freakin years.

There, everyone’s problem solved.

I’m fully aware of how forums work. How far back exactly did you read? Anyways, tone doesn’t convey very well into text. It’s entirely possible you just misimagined my tone-of-voice. Unfortunately, that happens a lot with me.

Second, I meant the idea lacked intellectual complexity, not that they themselves did. Anyways, at what point did they refuse to engage with me, and what/when exactly did they “straight up tell me”?

Besides, I’m allowed to get a little frustrated when I ask someone to elaborate on an idea and all they say is “read my first post,” especially when their first post is a single sentence. I was really hoping when I went into this that someone would actually come up with a cool idea for another way the team could be releasing lore.

Well, I’d still like to hear someone actually say what one of these ways to “incorporate the lore in the game” would be (other than a campaign because that would not work well with OW), but at the same time I’m really not in the mood to get into all that again. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.

I am fully aware of what you said, but I was clearly asking for a way to release lore. Scrapping all lore release entirely would literally be anything but. Saying a good way to release lore would be to scrap the lore department is like saying you can build a house faster by never getting started in the first place.

I’m fully aware that a campaign would have to be OW 2, I literally said it would never work in OW 1, which you’d know if you yourself had actually read MY post.

Whereas I agree lore does nothing for this game, they can’t just stop it now. They’ve already dug themselves too deep. The game was basically founded on lore when they decided to go with “heroes” instead of classes and gave each hero a complete backstory. I’d be glad if we never had any lore to begin with, but now too many people are hooked on it, so removing it all together could actually do more harm than good to the playerbase.

So you really do argue just to argue, even when you agree? No wonder you seem to have such a hard time here.

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I only agree with your principle concept that lore in OW was a dumb idea.
As for your idea that they should stop releasing all lore altogether, I believe you couldn’t be more wrong. As I said in my previous post, they’ve dug themselves too deep to stop now, and halting all lore releases could very well do more harm than good.