So because ana takes "skill" shes allowed to be op?

Ugh. Forgot about Baptiste lol. I find it easier to be effective with Baptiste than Ana tho. For majority of the people.

oh no, an ULTIMATE is able to SAVE ONE HERO!!!

Is he? Pick rates suggest otherwise thus far. I think Ana is just strait up over powered right now.

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He is for most people. Pickrate doesn’t really mean much in most cases. Rein had heavy pick rate. But how many people main him? Or play him Because he’s better than other main tanks?

Ana isn’t op. More like we’ve reduced the effective damage output of dps lately.

trance and beat charge slow, nano doesnt

i can assure you in gm people are able to build proper team comps, no idea what rank your playing in

matrix has a cooldown

not getting into this right now but widow is the most unbalanced hero in the game, widow headshot also isnt CC

why would you pick moira over ana? baptiste is only viable in bunker comps and lucio is an off healer

“out-played” you mean ana just pressed e and hit a wall behind riens shield?

all of the other healers are situational, ana can be played in almost every situation reliably

bap only works in bunker comps and you can easily break LOS of his window, he also must shoot healing into it

mercy works in 3+ dps comps, valk is also an ultimate that heals 60 HP/S assuming everyone groups up you can get up too 180 healing her second not counting mercys self heal

moira shouldnt be picked over ana in any situation but if you wanna it should be
deathball, coalescence charges extremely fast which helps moira for having no utility

lucio is an off healer you cant compare an off healer to an overpowered main healer, amp also has a 12 second cooldown which will be used for speed most of the time

There’s literally 0 skill in using the grenade, just stay behind healing and no one can jump on you cause dive is dead lul

I dont agree with any of your reasons but the changes you suggested are fine, and id be okay with them

Trance charges very fast if you actually shoot something else than walls. Have you even watched pro play? The “slow charging” trance is used 1-2 times per teamfight. No wait, you said you are 4200 sr playing so you should be actually experiencing it yourself. Not only that but you think Mercy is harder than Ana and no-skill heroes deserve to get a free ride top. I really have to doubt the factuality of your words. Why don’t you post on the 4200sr account with private off?

the 4200 sr account is perma banned from these forums

tho i would suggest looking at this

While I agree somewhat, I think there’s a bit more to it than Ana possibly being a tad too strong. I’d also consider the possibility that one or two other healers might be a bit on the weaker or possibly even messed up side.

Post a link to the account page then. Alexis!#1278 doesn’t exist anymore.

this is my main

Let me guess, you also thought Mercy bringing back everyone with one button was fair, right?
