So because ana takes "skill" shes allowed to be op?

Nano Boosted needed the burst healing. Anti nade is only strong when you have no shields. If Damage ain’t the problem, Ana is a counter to the enemy healers.

I had enemies go Ana vs my Moira because I out healed their damage. Anti nading my team stops the healing.

Ana has high reward when protected by her team. But in the current meta she often gets left behind because she’s too slow, has mediocre DPS compared to Zen+discord, and has an ultimate that gets counterpicked simply by focus fire. If the boosted target isn’t being healed, a discord orb, a damage boost or amp matrix can destroy them near instantly. Plus, another Ana basically counters you just by throwing nades, which denies your healing, INCLUDING NBs. Ana has a lot of weaknesses. Like Soldier, she’s best as a jack of all trades and master of none. She can damage, but that’s middling. She can heal, but having a heal over time (yes, that IS how her heals work, however quick that HoT is) that hits so unreliably and is so dependent on team positioning is a risk that must be taken with calculation. She relies on her team keeping her close and healing her up, and making your Lucio sacrifice speed to solo heal an Ana who just got hammered and will die if she can’t escape the next swing or heal up fast enough often isn’t viable. Her tools can be blessings and curses- blessings to teammates who enjoy her flexibility and versatility, but a curse to herself who can be destroyed easily if something bigger than a Tracer is running after her.

not bait at all actually

If she were to get a nerf, it would need to be very small. I don’t think she’s super broken, though.

Thanks for this thread
now i can avoid all these mercy mains OMEGALUL

She’s not OP. Sorry if you’re having a hard time not keeping track of her most powerful tool. We keep track of Recall, D.Va/Winston mobility, and so on. So why isn’t a Support allowed to have something “powerful and dangerous when used properly” that we need to keep track of?

  1. The damage boost isn’t that severe. In order to get at least a SINGLE kill with nano, it needs to be coordinated. When used to save someone, it’s only meant to allow them to survive just a bit longer. Without an ult, it’s a horrible offensive ult.

  2. Yeah, and? It’s still SOOO much smaller than literally any other healing ability. And that’s because healers are constantly healing, so they need to make healing easier to do than damage.

  3. It’s also one of the hardest abilities to use. The anti heal can’t be followed up on unless it’s a brawl, and even then unless your team can so enough damage, it won’t be that good. Most of the time it’s only used on one enemy or more commonly used, to heal.

  4. No, she can’t. Believe it or not, she doesn’t work with every hero. Mercy on the other hand, is much more versatile and is viable in like every comp expect for goats. If the enemy has a sombra, a genji, a doom, a pharah, or Winston, you can’t really play Ana (unless you are like ML7)

  5. Which also has an awkward cast time, and awkward projectile speed, and a small hitbox. And again, it’s rarely game changing. Ana’s one shot requires her to perfectly time a regular shot, then immediately a sleep dart, than another shot and a perfectly timed nade all in a few seconds. Only the top 1% can reliably do that. Brig and mcree have a shorter stun because they are easy to land and mcree can easily one shot after.

  6. She has extremely high potential healing. NOT flat out healing. Moira, Mercy, and Baptiste outheal her across every rank per 10 minutes. Actually she can get outhealed by Lucio (and might even outheal her per 10 minutes but I don’t remember).

No, that’s simply false. Sure her kit may seem strong, but she has two weaknesses. For starters, she is unbelievably easy to kill. Her second weakness is that people are bad. Her kit is really strong if you master her, but that’s unbelievably hard. People really, REALLY can’t aim. She requires expert game sense, mechanics, and positioning to even be effective. This problem is even worse in the lower ranks.

She’s just like widow. Just because a kit is strong on the surface doesn’t mean the hero is op

Sincerely, an Ana main

And I agreed, both Zeny and Ana are overtuned, they should be nerfed to be on the same level as mercy (the most balanced support right now).


I think they’re balanced. For all their gifts both Zen and Ana suffer from the worst immobility in the game, except maybe Roadhog. Zen has a huge hitbox. Ana can only self-sustain using the bionade, her most powerful ability. The tradeoffs seem fair to me.

Don’t forget the best part, the sound of her gun damaging you makes you want to gouge your ear drum out, God I wish you could turn that sound off.

that doesnt really bother me tbh

Considering most of her kit is leaning on massive crutches I’m not really sure you could say she takes ‘skill’ to begin with.

Ana’s OP? Interesting. Good to know dude. Thanks, but the rest of us who play this game, see statistics and watch pro play as well, never realized that.

game sense positioning mercy meme 5rez GOATs meta blah blah blah

Nice to see our balance discussions never change :ok_hand:

I seriously can’t wait to see the mess that the custom games will throw out when the workshop goes live

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I’d argue Baptiste takes just as much skill, if not more, and his abilities are far more easier countered.

Immorality field is strong, but can be killed. Ana grenade is like “LOL GG NOTHING YOU CAN DO”.

Besides being able to jump to a high point, they have the same mobility.

They both have to aim to heal, and Baptiste is harder at long range.

Ultimates? Baptiste is extremely situational and coordinated while Ana is like “GO!!!111”.

I think there’s zero question at this point that Ana is overtuned.

  1. Zenyatta and Lucio can save SIX people with their ultimate, ana can save ONE.
  2. IF you’re playing tanks. But without role Q good luck with that.
  3. D.VA Exists. And also barriers but you probably don’t have those without Role Q either.
  4. Technically getting shot in the head by Widow will disable you longer than sleep dart. Ana can sleep dart every 12 seconds, widow can kill you every 0.8s and she doesn’t shoot a slow projectile.
  5. Baptise, Lucio, and Moira can regularly reach a higher HPS because they do AOE healing.
  6. Seems like your real problem is not having tanks on your team. Or your tanks aren’t smart enough to realize that biotic grenade and sleep dart are only powerful because they are easily out-played.
  • Baptise can hit up to 375 HPS with his Primary Fire Alone or 750 shooting through Amplification Matrix
  • Lucio can hit up 288 HPS during AMP it up
  • Mercy can heal for 320 HPS during Valkyrie
  • Moira can heal for up to 400 HPS with her primary fire alone.
  • Ana can only get 135 HPS when shooting an ally hit by Biotic Grenade.
  • Probably the reason why Ana isn’t necessary in GOATS comp
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in short yes, why not ?

May I ask what do you main?

Try to run Ana in a lot of different scenarios. You’ll see how wonderfully easy she is. Especially if you run zen and ana without knowing where to position yourself. Plus, I’ve tried ana myself. Sometimes not landing a crucial shot on someone led to death. If I was playing any other support, wouldn’t need to worry about saying: “reloading” everytime i run out of ammo.

It’s like saying:

Rein/winston is easy. You don’t even have to aim dude. Just stand with your shield up or just kill the enemy 1v1.

What’s next? Brig is harder to play than Ana?

Nice bait post tho.


He’s a better example of a balanced aim based hero so far. He’s powerful, but has counters. Ana is just too, “LOL GG” between her bipolar grenade and crazy Nano ult.