So are you a KILLER? or a PROTECTOR?

so i started this game out as mercy, planning to GA everywhere healbot and do some damage boost. other healer was zen and i had a hamster tank, genji and cassidy as the dps. they also have ball BUT they have sombra on their team, mercy/soldier duo i think since she pocketed him almost all the time and a kiriko.

things looked well at first and i was healing the best i can but i noticed nothing was dying. i just cant take that lol so i switched to moira just so i can kill stuff.

game is KQJC2B. do you think i would have won if i stayed as mercy? thats what i want to know

also props to moira players out there who play the healbot playstyle and hardly dps. that would be hard for me too

I DONT KNOW HOW YOU MERCY’S do it and are able to just healbot/heal away without getting the urge to KILL stuff. i feel weird if im not killing anything. guess im a hybrid dps when i play the support class…

I’m a protector, up until the moment whoever I’m pocketing leaves me to die.

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I gotchu, I’ll watch after I finish my coffee

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I have to healbot most of the time because people are incompetent.

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It is a really boring answer, but I am definitely something of a Killtector. I mostly one trick Zen, so you would think I am a straight killah, but I queue with my sister and find that the best way to carry games is often just to pocket her. Zen actually has some decent protective abilities nowadays. The Spartan kick to get them off, discord is a huge deterrent even when you aren’t landing shots, and naturally one of the easiest to charge defensive ultimates that you can throw out almost every teamfight.

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thats cool, i use to play mercy endlessy sometimes in overwatch 1 especially during the launch days. i dont think i can do that again. just playing her 5 times today im sick of it or i just want to switch to moira and play “WoW warlock drain life” everyone

If i know the other person is low then I’ll either damage boost or assist in killing them if my DPS died. Sometimes I get it and sometimes I get got

I unironically bring her pistol out a fair amount. Usually for if I know an enemy is low and my allies cannot finish them for whatever reason.

Niche, but satisfying.



  1. Right at the start at 0:35, while most of the time this won’t contribute to anything, just start damage boosting though. There isn’t a reason not to, and there is a slight chance someone gets hit by something from across the map, so like why not ?

  2. 0:41 we don’t start beaming despite seeing our team mates already LOSing the enemy. You start beaming but you are healing a full HP Genji so you are contributing as much as not having your beam on and being afk. Damage boost.

  3. 0:58 tunnel vision on ball who is fine and can come to you, even if you are also trying to make your way to heal someone, make sure your beam is still connected to someone else while you move so you can get continued value in the mean time.

  4. 1:10 too tunnel visioned on getting rez. Take a second and breathe and look at your situation at hand first. You have 10 seconds before the soul goes away. You got bumped by ball on the way over so you know he is there. Your Ashe is also about to die because you didn’t see if your team needed help first.

  5. 1:30 ish just damage boost. Maybe someone peaks up top and Cass shoots them. Even in quiet moments, if you can beam, use your beam.

  6. 1:45 be careful about putting yourself in a bad position to help a team mate that is out of position. Your life is more important and esp with the CD nerf, your positioning is much more important.

  7. 2:02 the timing of this rez was good with soldier dying first and your team is healthy, but it’s a bit rushed because you aren’t thinking about positioning when going for the rez. In valk you can start the animation and duck behind the car thing. You would have gotten it because you wouldn’t have gotten booped and you would take less damage.

  8. 2:06 hard tunnel vision on ball, we disconnect beam for no reason, we also go into enemy fire, have no knowledge of what is happening behind us, and our ball isn’t even missing enough damage that he still has armor.

  9. From 2:10-2:16 you heal a full Hp genji. That’s 6 seconds of doing nothing.

Overall, your biggest mistakes are tunnel visioning, poor positioning, lack of damage boost, beam up time, and rushing rezes. I would most focus on staying back more and in view of your team mates. Take a second to plan your rezes and figure out why one may not work and one does work. The most important 2 I would say is always make sure your beam is active if you have team mates alive and try to catch yourself to default to damage boost. You can’t expect your dps to kill things if you are not contributing at all to damage. Mercy doesn’t win by healing all game. Reminder we just got a somewhat burst heal, so don’t stress about chip damage.

I could point out every instance that’s bad but tried to keep it simple and point out your general mistakes that you can focus on to start. Hope this was helpful !

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yea i really need to play her more since i havnt played her much in a long time heh

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Yaaa I mean we also all gotta start somewhere. If you saw my first times playing Mercy and compared it to me now, you would think I’m a completely different player. If you want reviews in the future let me know. I love doing them :smiley:

Here’s the thing: You don’t really wanna run Mercy alongside Zen. They both can heal only one target at a time, both comparatively slowly and Mercy should spend most of the match damage boosting rather than healing.

If you have either a Zen, Lucio, Brig or Mercy as your other healer you really wanna go Baptiste, Moira, Ana or Kiriko so your team generally just has the heals to keep going. Most support characters also don’t have to compromise between killing and healing as long as they have good situational awareness.