So, after all this time Sombra X D.VA isn't canon yet?

That’s a bloody outrage, it is!
I’m gonna take this all the way to the Prime Minister!:rage::rage::rage:


Prime Minster of who?

Excuse me?

If Sombra’s getting stuck with anyone, it’s Symmetra.
So says I, a random person on the internet. is chilling in her meka flying over the ocean. When all of a sudden she hears someone in a loud voice saying “Looking for me”. She pauses and tells herself that sounded like it was coming from inside my meka… Suddenly from behind she feels two hands wrap around her neck and Sombra says “Been here all along”.

Excuse me?

We have no reason to believe that Sombra and D.Va have even met canonically (nor do we know that about Sombra and Symmetra for that matter).
Not to mention she probably can’t be trusted enough to be in a relationship anyway.

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BoJo is too busy shutting down parliament to listen to you :tired_face:

stupidity ahem. Boris johnson i mean

Of course someone called Cameron liked this post. How fitting

I can’t heal through stupid ~WildPants

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I wouldnt take it seriously, crack ships like this are all over this fandom. This isnt even the weirdest one I’ve heard of.

Sombra isn’t dating a child lmao. You lost your mind. Brig or pharah is like… a Stretch

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Sombra x is canon on xhamster.

And now all I can think about is prime minister Jeff XD

D.Va is not worth it. Sombra should definitely find someone with more personality.

Ye I dig it.

– and - make a +, right? :rofl:

Wow, I thought I was one of the only ones who shipped them lol xD

I really think those two would be great friends in all truth. Gaming buds for sure! They are very similar to one another in ways.

no kidding, it gets way weirder
and don’t worry, I’m not taking anything like this actually seriously. Who would?

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anything is canon on those sites

boris the clown next to trump what a joke xd

Yeah next they will show Obama bowing to kiss the ring of the Saudi prince… oh wait… that was real…

Sombra goes with Baptiste in canon and sym in fandom.

At least thats how I ship them lol