So, After 15 hours on Hanzo

Honestly, why do people hate hanzos on their team. They are just as good as widow and then he has storm arrow which is a good as a spamming widow

That has to be the greatest shield break I have seen in my life.

one full charged shot followed by 6 storm arrows and then another charged shot usually takes out most barriers or reduces them drastically.

The Soldier main in me cries out in joy when I see that

I play brig and she got taken so I went back to my very first main which was hanzo. I wasn’t that good before but now body shot, body shot, dead. Headshot, dead. Spam body, dead with no chance. I literally got play 3 times in a row playing hanzo
His ult charged stupidly fast too.
Hanzo is really easy once you’ve played for a while. I play console too so it was surprisingly super easy

How many hours on him?

So, do you know how many reports you got? XD

The time on the ow site is kinda buggy and way behind but I have around 6 hours on him. I didn’t play that much when I mained him( this was when I was barely starting)
Now I play pretty much not stop until I can’t take it no more.
But I don’t play him no more.

I wish there will be second archer hero but a female one in the future.

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Doom came out a little after I got the game and I wasn’t that good with hanzo and enjoyed df for a while until moira came out and then brig following. (Yeah yeah I main brig get over it)

I play a little Hanzo… ( see profile )

  1. Learn the ins-outs of the three aim styles. Aim, Flick, Release. Release is when you don’t have enough time to get a proper fix on someone, and you release the arrow when you roll over the target. You can master these in the Training Arena. Make sure to work on vertical aim as well as horizontal.

  2. Training map is made for Hanzo. There are so many drills you can do here to improve your mechanical ability. Wall Climb 180/90 is key, I like dropping down to blind pop the two shooting bots, gives you a good sense for timing and falls. DM me for more ideas.

  3. Awareness and positioning will get you more kills then mechanical ability. Be mindful of where you are at with regards to your team and the enemy team. My best Hanzo comes from playing defensively, flanking or slightly forward of the battle lines. So you’re in an aggressive position, but playing defensively.

  4. Place your crosshair where you anticipate enemies coming from. I know it’s obvious, but get this in your bones, and then start tossing arrows there right before they arrive. Hanzo is a scalpel for surgical strikes.

  5. Learn your role. Get on the point only if absolutely necessary and no other teammates can touch. Hanzo is a glass cannon.

  6. Play in shadows. Once your cover is blown, enemies rotate to face you. Ideally, this should allow your team to flank, and you’ve moved onto the next flank.

  7. FFA is your friend. You’ll learn how to beat down the Mei’s, Dooms, Mcrees, Moiras and Pharahs who are probably making your life difficult right now.

  8. You’re not going to get healed, and people will trash you for picking a hero you enjoy. Get Golds and they are quieted. Mute is also an option.

  9. Resource management. Have your sonic up as much as possible. Don’t be stingy with Storm, click those arrows though, don’t hold spam, unless you have a clean LOS on a tank or shield. Fire that dragon, you get another really quick. Dragon is more powerful as a zoning tool then damage. Fire the Dragon where you think they’ll go, and cover their escape routes.

  10. Get and hold high ground, but be aware, your bow is visible above your head ( unlike in your POV ), so it’s pretty easy to get headshotted if you just W-S towards an edge.

  11. Hanzo is an assassin. Ideal play is you drop in, kill a support and escape before you get noticed. Greedy play is what gets you dead. Know your risks before you take them.

  12. Work those angles. Every map has the hidden routes and tiny holes to shoot through. Exploit these.

  13. Little shots / dinks can still down an enemy if that’s the only shot you can get. Sure, it’s not optimal DPS, but at the end of the day, it’s a melee hit at range.

  14. Turn off your crosshair. Seriously. My first FFA #1 came when I turned off the reticle. Use the force.

All the rest is just learning the game, and that just takes time. Good luck warrior.

“Heahshots are hard and rewarding to hit”


You’re joking right? Handsoap shoots me in the kneecap and there’s that ‘ding’ noise and I get oneshot. In the knee!

At least widow is aiming at my head when I get oneshot.

I’m not.

Not at all

After 15 hours of continuous attempts to get an HS, I can tell you that it is extremely hard to hit. His hitbox might have been buggy earlier but there have been instances where I swear I hit the head but it hit their shoulder.

Plus, a widowmaker has a scope and subsequent sens to make the head bigger. Hanzo has none of that.

Play the character first before actually commenting?