So about the new dps passive

Eh not exactly no. it’s intended be to be up as long as the DPS is dueling something. And only lets off when you win the fight or force the dps to disengage.

So you cant just save say a burst heal for a reload, you will have to take the cut or use it between fights.

Be it were not sure how this interacts with health packs. They might just ignore such.

It’s gonna be fun being on the frontline next season. Permanent reduced healing. Let’s see how it plays out but sounds pretty rough on paper.

Especially for Queen, her passive healing is about to get a huge nerf :melting_face:

All tanks without defensive blocking abilities are kind of screwed.
Mauga, Hog, Queen, Ball.

Does it stack is my only question

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Not likely, otherwise we would have a 40% heal debuff to deal with.

Yeah, having this on a passive, instead of tweaking healing values as and when needed, is going to have a whole bunch of unhappy knock-on effects, imo. Like how Hog, JQ and Mauga kinda get screwed doubly, since not only do they like getting heals, but they use healing themselves to stay in the fight. Or how characters like Mei are going to be that much better at applying and maintaining the debuff than other characters. Oh well.

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Bastion is gonna be fun next season. 50 hp more coupled with ironclad 20% dmg resistance and easier to hit bullets which apply 20% antiheal for like a minute.

Looks like Blizz is going for all of the following:

-higher character life totals
-increased weapon hit rates
-decreased healing rates for targets under attack
-passive heals for all

This is a pretty big power-shift for DPS players despite the life pool increase.

dps should be strong anyways, not the three musketeers in support dictating the rest of the teams picks

Hmm, it does say healing recieved in the description, maybe self healing wont be affected, but i doubt it, one can hope though

its going to make jq’s self healing even slower, they better give her armour if they want to keep her viable

My prediction is that tanks are going to have a very hard time confirming kills. I’m still not sure if this is going to lead to tanks being the FIRST to die or being completely ignored to be the LAST to die. But it’s going to be one of those extremes.