So about Copa Lucioball... what's up with it?

Well, I have been gone for a long long time, give it like, 2-3 years since I’ve consistently played Overwatch.

Now, I’ve been looking forward to Copa Lucioball as usual to battle with my friend, though when looking at the past few years… it wasn’t there?

My Career Profile also doesn’t show Copa Lucioball anymore, were those leaderboards just wiped and was the mode just cast aside?

It would be a bit of a shame to just throw that mode away, it was perfectly fine and I loved playing it, all the time grinding for a previous Top500 spot, only for the mode to get removed and wiped from my account…

So what’s the deal with the mode, will it come back this summer, or is it just gone forever?

Lucioball was in the game last summer at least, so it should be back unless the devs have decided to cancel it during the winter.

Not sure if there will be a competitive version of it though.

Was there any communication about the competitive mode going away?
Personally I think that it would be a bit weird to just get rid of it like that.

I just haven’t kept an eye on it since the first tear it ran as a comp mode. So i don’t know. I don’t even remember if it was there last summer.

That said, it would be silly to not have the comp mode along side the non comp version though.