So about Brigitte

this was a topic for discussion, not an open plan to start arguing and insulting each other, if you want to do that please go somewhere else and do it. :slight_smile:

thats statistically wrong and even if i was, idc like i said i play for fun with friends and dont care abt rank

Because if she’s able to consistently do her job as an anti-flank and anti-hug healer then players might have to switch off from their mains to play around her which is just absolutely nuclear level wasted of toxic garbage that should never be in this game. Anything that promotes switching off from hero and having flexible roster within a certain role is just absolutely horrible for this game and should never be a thing and anything that resembles this should be nerf hammered and goomba stomped into the F-tier where garbage like that belongs /s

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No, it’s statistically right. But I don’t expect someone who can’t even play the easiest hero in the game (genji) to know statistics about the game lol

so your saying no one should have counters?

Well duh low skill heroes obviously should be countered by high skill heroes by default /s

That’s from 2.5 years ago, better luck next time lol

it wouldnt of changed, as others climb, others fall

You’re in the fall category, since you’re stuck in gold from not beinga ble to play even easy heroes like genji lol

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but from what you said before, you think everyone should be able to play their main without the need to switch off so therefore you think no one should have a counter which would make them switch…

i climbed from silver to gold last season and i feel good

also this is my first videogame ever so to be average is an accomplishment for me

Wow, you accomplished a toddler’s task lol congrats

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congrats! who did you play?

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Yeah but not every hero can be meta so by default only high skill heroes should be meta and therefore they should be the counters to the low skill heroes that are only merely training bot heroes for newbie players /s

aye thanks, mostly sig zar, pharah, lucio and ana

Why not exactly? How does “being a tank” make any difference here?

y you so mad lol, something wrong at home?

what your saying contradicts yourself so idk what to say to that