Smurfs, simple fix, why not?

It happens
It’s fricking annoying
Why not just put an hours played requirement on comp? 50? something? Oh and base part of their MMR off that performance in those 50 hours of QP etc. So the smurf would need a to get a new account, play for 50 full hours AND such in that time frame to be a viable smurf in comp. soooo WHY NOT?


That’s stupid, a lot of people might play for 50 hours total in a year. It already takes an annoying amount of time to rank up smurfs, I know from experience :slight_smile:

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I think it should be level 50 not 50 hours. Smurfs have stated in my games that they hate the grind to 25 so they can have real fun. Doubling the time must be torture.

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Mobile authentication for comp

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Um… those people, shouldn’t be playing comp.

Thinking they’ll actually fix people paying them MULTIPLE TIMES FOR THE SAME PRODUCT.

Hmmm, I wonder what’s more profitable… Pissing off all the new players that get steam rolled by people they should never face thus turning them off to the game, or pissing of some folks that may or may not buy a 2nd copy or 2 of overwatch.

Yea you’re right, seems like a solid business plan for Activision.

Remember they think in the short term. Their only concern is that this quarter’s numbers are bigger than last. Next quarters numbers are a problem for later.

Interesting idea… Why don’t we measure how many hours someone has played by giving their account “experience” and “levels”. Maybe 25 levels and you can start to play comp?

Haha, how’s that been working out for them so far?

Except I’ve been playing off and on since release and I am have a 0 star bronze frame. There are ways around that.

But I get what you’re saying.

Ooof what? That’s impressive - how do you do it?

Not nearly as poorly as I’ve hoped.

EA’s been doing it for YEARS and they’re still in business.

Can’t get XP if you leave just before the game ends.

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I’m well aware thanks your passive aggressive internet stance is fantastic for productive conversation on solutions.

It’s clearly not enough of a requirement as 25 levels is a joke for this skill level of player. Perhaps instead of time played, make it level 50 instead of 25?

here is how I think smurfs should be stopped How matchmaker should work (imho)

it’s really tough to stop them, so if blizz just let you smurf, then everything is cool. That’s my view anyway. I think anti-smurfing measures do more harm than good.

Or comp requires 5 other people in your group and your SR is based off your performance with those 5 people. If you swap to another group you all start at scratch again.

What we have, isn’t competitive.

There’s a 25-levels requirement which essentially creates a time requirement.

Many people have asked this to be raised to reduce smurfing (and to reduce actual new players starting comp ‘too soon’), but on the other side, many people have complained that it’s too high when they want to quickly level an alt.

New players for a 3 year old game.

I really should have posted this to the guy responding to my laugh even harder post.

League of Legends is even older and is still getting new players.

Obviously, neither game is getting new players at the same rate, and there is certainly a tendency for them to be younger players who are either just first hearing of the game, or just first owning systems they can play the game on.

Still. New players do actually exist, even in older games.