Smurfs, I know bliz don't care

There has to a better way to handle this. It sucks to just get stomped in your own spawn 3 games in a row.

I thought the vaunted overwatch matchmaker knew who was smurfing or not?

Sort it out, until then bye.
I may think about overwatch once in a while. I will remind myself what it felt like to play by cleaning the toilet with my own toothbrush.


Not to be rude or anything… but you do see spawn camping even at higher elos (if you’re at GM, can anyone be considered a smurf?)

group up, find the right heroes, and punish such over-extended strategies.

Not everyone plays at 100% every game, so matchmaker has to deal with a lot of variance

not smurfs if you switched correctly u can stop stupid over extensions very easily

Maybe u are to bad for your rank and u should be in a lower rank if u say everyone is spawncamping u

dude idgaf about smurfs.

i care that i’m basically forced to play Pharah and McCree every match because of how dumb and slow people who instalock Hanzo and Genji are.

Like dude lol Genji and Tracer are actually almost unplayable. I can’t play the heroes I’ve invested all my time in and enjoy playing because I have to make up the difference for someone who locks in Sombra and thinks she needs more damage and that it’s dumb hack is interrupted by damage.

I care that when I play Zenyatta and go Jonak jr on the enemy team, they are more scared of me than the DPS on my team.

These people literally lock in Tracer and Genji on attack the second they load in, are completely incapable of acquiring solo kills and are literally just so dumb they don’t realize the reason why they are getting rekt is because the enemy team has 50 different barriers and they do absolutely everything in their power, with the entire fiber of their being, to avoid shooting a damn barrier.

like this was okay when you could be bad but chase someone for a minute as Tracer and you’d kill them because they were dumb and out of position… but all the new barriers, instant heals and pulsing aoe heals really increased the skill floor of what defines a reasonable performance for DPS players.

like lol man I cannot even with all of these Junkrats, Pharahs and Hanzos that think they are too good to spam barriers. It is so soul draining to have to do what it takes to get those people a win. i mean yea sometimes you need to communicate a plan or strategy but dude you gotta micromanage them to the point you gotta tell them exactly how to inhale and exhale so their brain gets enough oxygen to function properly.

I just want to play some Genji FFS but no dude I gotta spend my life sitting on Pharah and Mercy every damn game bc these people are too crap to win with anything else and/or shutting down hog and hampster. it makes me so angry dude. i just want to smash my monitor when i get a draw tbh.

U want my opinion on smurfs? A lot of people say they play to rank up. They play comp instead of quickplay because it’s more intense and challenging.

a smurf is gonna teach you how to play the game better than a sombra main who thinks the hero needs to do additional damage to hacked targets. might as well grin and bear it and get ahead of the curve…

cuz fact of the matter is there’s so many smurfs dude. the average player is like silver lol. bronze… gold… silver… it’s all the same. You gotta make up for people that let Mercy rez right in front of their face, scream about their stupid gold medals and just up and leave for no apparent reason - even when you are winning.

I mean there is no way to properly warm up for comp or warm up in general, outside of smurfing/alt accounts and people have a general issue with the fact, that pretty much every single other game has the same issue if not 10 times worse, CS is now F2P, was cheap before, League is the same, Dota too.

I mean the problem is, that smurfing/ranking up is massively more of problem in those other games, most of them having a hard reset, which means all high rank smurfs go through the bottom ladder again.

I saw some low GM players complaining about top500 smurfs coming down and wrecking them…
it sounds funny, but I guess it’s a thing.
I catch plenty of smurfs at 3400.

Smurfing is of course a thing in higher tiers. You think Dafran or SSB won’t just pub stomp your average 40XX game?

Or more obviously the T500 has like 200+ spaces taken up by smurfs. You think the guy at spot 604 trying to finally hit T500 doesn’t feel the impact of smurfs? lol

I’ve seen spawn camping in no smurf low tier games tho OP. Usually just requires someone very aggro on the comms and a disorganized enemy. If you can’t kill them try Tracer or Sombra and backcamp. Either you get progress or you at least break the camp.