Smurf is not a problem right… Today I join a group high gold/plat. Than 2 smurfs appear, they even forced on low SR to move out, saying that they will carry this team that they are 3700SR. The team agreed, the match started, the other team has 5 smurfs lol.
We got rolled over.
Fun facts, the smurf was defending that smurf is not a problem, throwers and hacks are the problem. After the match the group disbanded and the smurf and his friend was in LFP with a group tittle “PLAT, SMURF only”.
So theses cowards are coming to lower ranks to destroy player just for fun. When they get stomped by hacker, that is unfair right, but kill player 3 SR levels bellow are fine.
Is a shame that Blizzard do absolute nothing to stop this.
They said they are, at the game, they showed some skills. The other team was a 5 stack with all new accounts. Widow and tracer, widow clicking heads all the time.
why someone should do something, when those poor gold-plat players don’t wanna to increase their sr, which any gamer can do if he is not lazy and actual competitor. This is not your or mine business how those guys prefrer to play. But if they are cowards, they are still better players, who have options, and you dont. Why? Because we deserve what we deserve and that’s all.
I ran into another smurf duo one time awhile ago on Rialto. Rolled and smoked them. They called me a hacker. Less than 5 seconds before they were about to lose, the server unexpectedly closed.
In my opinion, it’s actually way more fun to beat another smurf than to straight up curb stomp noobs. -insert shrek swamp meme-
You did bring up a good point, though. Blizzard should be able to identify potential smurf accounts and try it’s best to match them with other smurfs, thus giving them an increased queue time. For some smurfs, if they continually keep going against other smurfs, they may not want to smurf anymore.
Best feeling ever lol, I had this many times on my lower ranked alt. Nothing is better than destroying smurf and enjoy their rage. If they are toxic and blame team I often add spicy comment like “better luck next time smurf” or tbag them all the time.
A few months ago Jeff Kaplan admitted smurfing is a problem and said they’re working on a solution but noted it’s complicated due to how account creation works on consoles.
So there is a solution forthcoming, just not any time soon, unfortunately.
Here you go again, defending smurfs. It’s very simple. Please, let me help you. If you’re Gold skill, you should be playing against other Gold skilled people. If you’re Diamond skill, you should be playing against other Diamond skill people. If you’re Silver skill, you should be playing against other Silver skilled people.
This does not mean deranking on purpose to play against lower skilled people, or buying new accounts and throwing every game to be placed against lower skilled people. You’re not the authority on improvement. And no, we don’t “deserve what we deserve”, that’s a moronic statement. And stating “better players who have options” is another moronic statement. If you’re in Diamond and Masters, and wind up in a Gold game, that’s not “having more options”, that’s cheating and manipulating the system in order to get easy wins to feed a fragile ego. It’s against ToS, and every one of these people should be banned.
I dont care about console, at PC there is no account limitations. Instead of trying solve problem in all platforms, start by the one where it is easy to be done.
One time I was playing on my gold alt (not a smurf, cuz I use it to practice heroes that I’m not as good at). And enemy team had this lucio that was just way better than any lucio I’d ever played against. He kept going in solo and getting like 3ks against my hapless teammates. I looked at his profile and he had gone from like 3900 sr the prior season to like 2200 when we played.
So I had to put my try-hard pants on and switched to widow and just kept doming him and tbagging him afterwards. We ended up BARELY winning and I started trashtalking him relentlessly (because he was trashtalking our team earlier in the game, saying how ez the game was and how bad we were, before I realized he was a smurf and changed my hero and started tryharding)
The best part was that he was legitimately above my main’s rank and I STILL schooled him and won the game for my team
I disagree with beating smurfs being the best, though. What is best in life is when you have a toxic teammate that blames you for the loss when you know it was actually their own fault. And then next game, they are on enemy team and talk in all chat about how bad you are and how easy the game is going to be for them. Because it gives you an excuse to switch to your main hero and unleash your true smurf fury on them and the righteous anger just makes you play even above your normal potential as you crush their spirit
Make total sense, that why overwatch league is bronze team versus pro team. That why MMC and Box, any contender face any contender, because you know who is better should play with whatever they want… I wish I could post the meme do not go full retarded for you comment.
The game is on multiple platforms so any solution they come up with for smurfs needs to take multiple platforms into consideration, otherwise they risk alienating certain sections of their player base which would be very bad for business.
I’m not sure why people even care, at this juncture.
Blizzard has given their stance on it. They aren’t going away.
Alt and Smurf accounts are probably the #1 revenue generator for Overwatch game sales, right now.
Why are people still making threads complaining about this?
Honestly, I haven’t played comp in a while, and the system still thinks I’m low rank on my original account… So, I get matched against lowbies, and even in QP I can feel a disparity. But I am not going to grind rank on this account just so I can make QP games better, or the few comp games I play on it better.
I can get PotG in all of my placements and sweep them, and the system will still put me at a low rank because it still thinks I’ve just bought the game and discovered first person shooters. I’m 2 ranks higher on my other accounts (Gold and Plat). I use this account only to practice heroes now, and to play QP with a friend of mine.
I don’t get my stronger heroes out unless the trash talk starts flying. I’m aware my Genji is trash. I don’t need to hear about it
A few months ago Jeff acknowledged that smurfing is a problem and said they’re working on a solution but noted that it’s complicated due to how account creation works on consoles.
Not on consoles they’re not as they’re free to make.