Smurfs are ruining my gamss

What if I don’t have one ? as they don’t exist where I live. We have SIN numbers not SSN here in Canada and other countries would have even less than that.

I started reporting them and I am getting actioned reports lately when I log in so the community is starting to report them as well. Oh well. If someone spends $20 to ruin games they are willing to lose $20 for ruining games.


reporting them for what ? being a better player than you ? look out 80% of the playerbase Damnitbinks is going to report you.
Playing a second account is not against the rules, throwing games etc. to stay at low ranks is so report that if it happens.

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Abusing new accounts to get easy games?

Oh well. I don’t care if I get outplayed I know I’m not the best. It being in a game where skill wise I have no chance of even contesting some one is not fun and a waste of time. If I’m getting actioned reports then I’m not the only one who feels this way.

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Go away stop condoning this. You yourself are probably a smurf.

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They are not smurfs, they are aimbotters, just report them. Game is infested with them right now.

Out of mild curiosity, what do they do and does it help?

I got an email telling me what a good job I was doing :+1:t6:

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MMR works the same as SR, but are hidden and on a different scale.

The dev already mention multiple times that everyone’s MMR is actually a lot lower than their SR. The scale of MMR vs SR is different too. MMR scale is a point from -3.0 to 3.0 mention in an interview somewhere.

All game mode has their own MMR. Since your MMR can be between -3.0 to 3.0, the average is at 0.0 and new accounts starts out with an MMR of 0.0. This is most likely why you see Smurf often if your MMR is around 0.0.

From what I understand, for Korea, any BattleNet account must be tied to their National ID number (the equivalent of their social security number). This helps control access to the game especially with the Internet Game Room centers (a.k.a. PC bangs). Back in March of 2017, Blizzard even implemented changes to prevent for IGRs accessing the game with accounts registered outside of Korea due to the fact that players would load cheats onto the systems (which are always wiped clean after their session) and attempt to disrupt regions outside of Korea. While in Korea, if you get banned in that region, you are kicked for good because it’s nearly impossible to register a new account. At least this is what I understand of it, I might be in error in some places.

The Korean support website also has more details to the stricter regulations players in that region must abide by including the Korean Overwatch Operation Agreement (note this article is in Korean) which is similar to the Blizzard Code of Conduct, but with more detail about what will happen if you are caught violating the rules.

I’m not American so I’m not super clear on what social security number is, but personal ID number sounds… dystopian 0_o dunno if misc company should have that =\

I spose as their a major esport power they don’t mess around with hackers.

What are IGRs? International Gaming Regions?

The social security service is a U.S. government service that collects taxes which is then redistributed in a pension program for retirees (as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s various government initiatives to recover the U.S. economy after the Great Depression). However, Social Security Numbers in the U.S. serve a variety of benefits such as being our national ID system to tell one person apart when it comes to things like applying for jobs, filing taxes, participating in elections, and more.

You would be right, I don’t see the Americas or European regions ever using any form of personal government ID to restrict access to an entertainment product. Our society and culture are very different from that of Korea.

Korea is serious about its video game and the esports industry. There are national protections and laws for both video game companies and esport organizations. It is very illegal to create unauthorized hacks or software for video games and it is also illegal to provide account boosting services with penalties including major fines, misdemeanors, and even jail time.

Darn right.

Internet Game Rooms, or more commonly known as “PC bangs”. In Overwatch (the game itself) the north spawn room on Busan Downtown Map is a PC Bang (the one with the dance game machine).

Here is what a real PC bang looks like:


I logged into the Overwatch forums for the first time in what feels like years, that is how bad the smurfing has become. I stopped playing comp because of people exploiting the system every way they can, being super toxic if you played off meta, and the match making was somehow a million times worse than quick play when it came to close matches.

Now I find myself with those same problems in quick play because of this massive wave of smurfs, who are just here to stomp lower SR people, exploit the crap match making, and be toxic to everyone because they are a low level player walking all over silver and gold borders.

There needs to be rules against this kind of thing, I escaped comp to play some actually good matches, and now quick play is becoming worse than comp ever was.

Every match I played today had at least 1, not hyperbole, every single match. Most, in fact, had 2 or more.

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I’d agree with removing smurfs but, this? Nah. Massively improved games.


I mean if boosting rules violation then when a smurf is in my game the enemy team is winning mostly cuz they are “getting boosted” by smurf since if they would not have a God-Like DPS, me and my poor team would have much more chance to win…

No it’s not a violation of any rules. However Blizzard also said these accounts would get to the right SR quickly. That has been proven false many many times over. That is the issue. Players who game the system to stay at ranks they shouldn’t be at.

gaming the system to stay at ranks they shouldn’t be at involves throwing matches which Blizzard has outright stated is against the rules and should be reported.
This thread is not about that, this thread is about players complaining as someone is better than them in their matches so they are calling them a smurf instead of using the opportunity to play against a better player and learn from it.
Heck one of the people complaining about smurfs says they are a GM player, well in GM what rank is smurfing ? Super GM ?

Personally I like when I see a really good Tracer (not sure why it’s always tracer but hey whatever) or any other character in my matches, makes it a challenge to get some kills on them and learn ways that when I get a player at my (very low) skill level later playing that same hero I rip them apart.

I’m bronze. I see these players all the time. That widow who peaks and head shots you from half way across the map. That will never be an actual bronze player. But low and behold they are in bronze. They don’t do it for things like that. They don’t want to bring their masters account down. Generally smurfs that are extremely blatant that they are in the wrong rank get reported.

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See I get a widow getting that shot, I hunt them down (may take me a couple lives but I find them eventually) then boost in (I mentioned I’m a D’Va one trick right ? ) and try to take them out , I would say my success rate against Widow once I find them and boost in is 80%+ where I’ve taken out their perch and them.