Smurfing will get WORSE after the release of Overwatch 2

The PvP portion of Overwatch 2 will be 100% free to play. If the current competitive system is kept the way it is, a Top 500 player could smurf all the way down in bronze for FREE. I’m genuinely worried about the competitive integrity of the game once this happens. Could Blizzard proactively deal with cheaters before the problem escalates with Overwatch 2?


T500 players already smurf in Bronze… How would that be any different from now?

Realistically, Blizzard needs to invest in software development that can determine smurf behavior.

Carrying games as DPS isn’t really indicative of smurfing.


The difference is that it costs $20 to smurf in bronze per account, where in Overwatch 2 you can have multiple accounts in lower ELO for zero penalty and zero cost. Is it not cheating to be able to 1v6 an entire team that clearly deserves to not be facing the better player?

Edit: and yes Blizzard clearly needs a better system other than placement matches and handicapped MMR

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You can go to 3rd party websites and buy bottom 500 accounts for like $15.

Apparently you can predict the future?

Yeah this part is pretty stupid.

In “my” opinion, yes it is.

In Blizzards and “Smurfing is OK” white knights… No it is not. Get good.

Its a lot harder than you think it is my guy… Smurfing isn’t 100% about mechanical skill.

MMR isn’t handicapped… People are just too egotistical to admit they’re actually trash at gaming.


It is not cheating when you are smurfing and are able to 1vs6. They are not using 3rd party software to show you why you are where you are, they are using skill.

Should it still be bannable to Smurf in low elos? Yes, most definitely. But do not call it cheats. People being better than you does not equal to cheating.

Using aimbots, wallhacks, spinbots or whatever other softwares are out there is cheating. Smurfing is not.




Fair and honest point…


You can get multiple accounts by using a VPN. Get banned? Just set your location to the democratic republic of Congo and create a new account

Why would you need a VPN when there’s no penalty…?

You’re literally making it harder than it needs to be.


T500 don’t need to drop that low to smurf and still dominate, the odds of a bronze player running into an actual t500 are really low and when they do it’s most likely someone boosting for money which is a different issue.

People love to claim they are going constantly against GM/t500 smurfs when in reality 90% of the time it’s just alts 1 or 2 tiers below their mains.


Cool story dude…

A couple of my friends are T500 and actively have Bronze/Silver accounts.

Is it ultra common? No… Does it just never happen? You’re out of your mind dude.

People do Bronze to GM all the time.


Are they Mercy/Brig mains? If not that’s pretty sad; a t500 has no problem getting their warm up/f around alts to at least masters in a couple of hours, literally no reason to drop that low unless you are boosting your edate.
The likelihood of a bronze player running into even a low gm are pretty low.

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How is that confusing? It’s free to create a blizzard account, and Overwatch 2 PvP is free. There is nothing stopping people from using a VPN to spam create accounts

Haha… No…

My “former” scrim coach (and friend) is a T500 Hitscan player.

He has accounts in every rank. He likes to smurf with friends…

I can tell you really just don’t have much experience in Overwatch.

People in the online gaming community LOVE to troll in games.


You have to still BUY overwatch 2 for PC.

Overwatch isn’t going F2P.

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The PvP portion will be free to compete with Fortnite, Apex Legends, PUBG, Valorant, etc. The PvE portion will be paid only

4 accs in masters 1 in dia to play with friends, running into t500 smurfs is rare for me but somehow all the golds/plats crying about being gatekept by the top 0.1% on the forums somehow run into them everyday. Yeah it doesn’t add up.

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But whatever you say my guy…

In Diamond/Masters…? No… Its not…

The difference is in Diamond/Masters, team work is effective enough to mitigate significant “individual” potential.

I’d be willing to bet most Gold players get trolled on by mid/high plat or low Diamond players. Plat players are getting rolled by Diamond/Masters/GM players.

Disclaimer: A lot of Plat players would be diamond if they would stop playing for themselves and start playing for the team.


It isn’t locked? just not placed this alt this season yet

Exactly what I’m saying, people getting smurfed on by people usually 1 to 2 tiers higher, the odds of a bronze player running into a t500 are extremely low. But they’d rather believe it’s always GM smurfs to feel better about themselves lmfao.


I require a source for this or you’re just pulling things out of your butt.

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