Smurfing is literally online bullying

THERE IS NO “YOUR” “HIS” or “MY” ranks.
There is ladder which you should use to climb from bottom to top, that’s the whole point of the game period.
If you have any problems climbing - it is your individual problems, find a coach, get better by yourself, practice mechanics, watch your replays, compare them to best players on twitch and learn the game better in general.
If you say smurfing is bad, I would say “hardstucks” are the worse, they have no gamesense or mechanical skill they refuse to force themself to improve.
Improve to beat the smurf, why not? Why smurf can do that and you dont? Does he have 3 hands or 2 heads? No! It is just you pepega!
I like smurfs, they beat me hard and made me hard. They’ve learnt me to be better or sit in spawn and there were no other options, thanks to every smurf who’ve learnt me to be GM when I was in diamond, that way masters rank felt as ez clap for me. Thanks you guys, you are the best, keep these bad players in a spot where they had no choice becides improvement. If you don’t go to GM smurf will come at you! Now you choose to suffer or improve, compalint is not an option!

its griefing, not bullying.
you would have to target one person and keep doing it. just doing it to randoms is trolling and griefing.

naw i dont agree. but i do think it makes the game imbalanced. ideally a flawless matchmaking system would be ideal

also sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between a smurf and a regular player. sometimes people are just popping off. i’ve seen people call regular players smurfs more times than i can count

and also remember that smurfs dont have 100% winrates, so dont let your mental get discouraged, you can beat them.

i had a gm and a masters tank on my team today and we lost to a team of high plats. the high elo players were just so tilted

All smurfs are alts and all alts disrupt the ladder the moment they enter. Duplicate competition is fake competition. The extra SR dilutes the swamp and shifts things to pay2win.

The best part is there is no more room in the low ranks. It’s already filled with alts/smurfs. It’s been filled since 2018 without a reset since 2016. There is no more repeat stomping low elo lobbies, because they basically don’t exist. Any account with a recorded peak mmr output way above the rank + smurfing reports, will be sidelined and pooled into a smurf queue.

That’s the best part of having bad HR who hire bad devs to make bad ladders. You never have to rank up! The ranks come to you!

hahaha. played so well that you got jailed for it

Friendly reminder that new accounts are not smurfs

Smurf = someone (at any level) who purposely remains (or to deranks in many cases) a lower rank to stomp other players.
Not a smurf = someone who is plays on a new account and plays the way they normally do.

“smurfs” are not as common as people think and most of these “new accts” in plat etc are actually playing at their own rank lol

It’s not so much bullying as it is hustling.

Portraying ones self as being far worse than their actual skill level and exploiting that for an easy pay day.

Smurfing (not just playing on an alt that’s your rank) is 100% bullying, whether that’s the intention or not. You’re literally manipulating the game into giving you easy targets so you can beat them up easily. And fittingly, every smurf apologist I see behaves like a bully; they refuse to admit that they’re hurting people and try to downplay the act like its ok. They even start to cry if the tables turn on them and suddenly they’re the ones being attacked.

Also on a side note; I have posted this in another thread but some psychopathic/sociopathic behavior can be found in smurfs that exhibit that kind of exceptionally toxic/controlling behavior. Its something to keep in mind when you witness it, even if its probably unsurprising.

You actually have glass bones and paper skin wtf

If your tanking your MMR then talking trash to people that is abuse and bulling… Wake up and stop ignoring it. This needs to stop… If I’m at the same level as someone its fine but, when its someone that shouldn’t even be in my rank yeah, I have a huge problem. Because you cant win…

Smurfing is like playing football against bambinos as an adult and telling them to gid gud and just stand their ground :smile:

I see them as teachers. They usually punish your mistakes harder and force you to not make them and have better awareness.

Smurfs who throw should be banned and punished.

Alt accounts, no.

You misunderstand what bullying is. It is targeted, systematic, and repetitive on specific individuals. Random dickishness isn’t bullying.

Its psicological bulling. I think it didnt need an explanation… But here you go

this seems a bit to extreme of an accusation. only like 1% of the population are actual pcychopaths and sociopaths, think its bit too extreme to generalize smurfs that way, sure what there doing is bad but there is a huge difference between smurfing, toxicity and psychopathic behavior.

just because someone doesn’t care that their that they hurt someone feelings in online game does not equal psychopathy, it can, but the chances of this being true are low. there is a difference between lack of empathy and no empathy at all.

this is an online game ffs, smurfs are bad but their not satan.

This ^

I mean, you can call me a psychopath for not caring that some stranger online is mad about losing at a video game…and I will call you psychotic FOR caring.

Gonna join the camp that this is a bit of a stretch. People “smurf” for many reasons (to play with friends, to level up an alternate account, etc.) they aren’t always going out of their way just to bully people who aren’t as good at the game as they are.

Smurfs are good for the game because they challenge other smurfs and teach newbies smurfs stuff.

If you beat a smurf, celebrate.

And once again we assume smurfs only happen in comp. Granted, you can’t de-rank in QP, but smurfs can still either throw the game for you or they can wipe you completely when they’re on enemy team.

I kinda take issue with this one depending on the circumstances. Facing a smurf that comes from one bracket above you, yeah that could teach you something, but often not. Playing in silver and facing a diamond hanzo? That silver-dude will most likely die over and over and never learn anything.

Psychopathic and sociopathic might be a stretch yeah, but antisocial behaviour, that i think i can spot fairly often in the game. I think there is a decent pool of people in ranked games that could do very well with booking a time with a therapist to be honest.

Also, i do believe the thread WIG! was talking bout is one where the OP posted a vod of a smurf (or team of smurfs) keeping the lobby locked in a junkertown game for 1,5 hour, Just throwing and winning every other round.

At that point i think it’s beyond just trying to play in an easier rank or slightly teasing someone. That match was just a full display of a smurfing person acting out on their toxic/controlling fantasies and obviously getting some form of fulfillment from being in charge (in a rather negative and humiliating way) of 11 other people. I think it’s those kinds of smurfs WIG! was refering to.