Smurfing is literally online bullying

Tbh I don’t believe that every smurf smurfs on purpose.

My Main Account is high gold to low Plat.

On my alt which I have been playing for the last few days I am still playing against Bronze people. I never threw (on purpose) a single game and I keep winning and rolling my games lately but I still am stuck against bronze players. My QP Winrate on Echo (which is the only hero I played for the last few days) went from ~30% (from the time when she game out and I just tested around on her a bit) to almost 60%. However despite not having too much trouble and only losing 1 out of 5 games or something because I stop paying attention, get too overconfident or just get into an unwinnable Game because my tanks just don’t want to push at all I’m still there to play against bronze people while trying my best to get harder enemies.

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Smurfing is intentionally manipulating your SR so you can play against lower-ranked people.

If they’re not doing it on purpose, they’re not smurfs.

While I agree with this statement we are a minority thinking that on this forum.

Plus you can’t possibly know if the good low level player on the enemy team is there because he is actively throwing games OR if they are just stuck in a weird match maker Position to get thrown into games like that like myself.

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Yeah, of course. It’s not reasonable to report someone just for having a low level or being at a higher skill level than you. The only viable way to catch smurfs is to catch them when they’re deranking.


One suggestion might be to look over the SR gains from a win in connection to the individual players performance. If you are playing widow in bronze and nailing 50% HS accuracy with say 50 elims then clearly you do not belong there. And in such a case you make players who perform well gain more SR to faster get them out of the rank they do not belong in.

In such a scenario smurfs would have to throw hard to not rank up to fast and then you can ban them for actual throwing and not risk banning innocent players.

That’s not smurfing, though, that’s just being toxic. You can smurf without being toxic. A smurf can be a bully, but not every smurf is a bully simply by nature of being a smurf.

And just like at school, you have people defending the bullies.

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I am sorry…what? They are smug brother…the more of these posts they read, the better…trust me. This game works as intended

Alt Account =/= Smurf

You can have one or multiple Accounts in OW and not smurf with it. Smurfing means you play worse and throew games snd stolp ppl in others to grt into an SR/MMR you don’t belong into.

DerSisch (my main acc, QP only since S14) acc peak - 2950 SR
Raven (my ranked account since Role Q) acc peak - 3650 SR (normally arround 3400-3500)

So do I smurf when I play on my main? I would say no…

How many alt accounts do you have? Tell me and do not lie: How many of those are in Bronze?..I dare you to tell me the truth

One, which is this one, and you can see its rank on my profile. How is that relevant in any way, though?

First World Problems

Someone call the internet police. They done goofed.

I…wouldn’t say it’s online bullying.

They’re both terrible in their own ways lol

I think deranking, boosting, and account sharing are bad and against the rules. The word “smurf” just distracts people in my experience

People are repeatedly banned for deranking, boosting, and account sharing.

They can’t get them all, obviously. There are more people abusing the system than there are Blizzard employees, but to say they should be ashamed for enabling this is just ridiculous. They are trying to stop it, but it’s just not as successful as you’d personally prefer.

By your interpretation of this specific definition of the word, you mean

This doesn’t fit your narrative of “smurf”, really

You can interpret it as bullying if you want, and you can, but you can’t just say this is the fact objectively speaking

Smurfing is not bullying.

Some people do make smurfs to bully people or will bully people because they are on a smurf account.
This doesn’t make all smurf account players bullys.

The fact you are bullying them based of there account level alone is bad and not justified by your prejudice.

…why does that sound like a plot to a comedy

The fact that you’re comparing Smurfing to Online Bullying is enraging to me.

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You have 0 comprehensions of what online bullying is, getting ROFL stomped isn’t bullying. People choosing to harm themselves because of bullying online and otherwise. I have yet to see that happen because someone lost in a video game. So tired of people watering down words to oblivion to where their meaning is crap.

Glad to know that curbstomping someone in an Overwatch match now may be classified as a misdemeanor in my state.

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