Johanna, Goliath, Auriel and Malthael are already in the list, adding Paladin and D2 Sorceress as an option for D3 Li-Ming already on the list for Symm
Black cat Genji
Schoolgirl Roadhog
Maid Mcree
Cupid Hanzo
Guardian Lion Orisa
Dragon Orisa
Vampire Moira
Rebelle Widowmaker
Short hair Widowmaker (classic skin but without spider goggles and with short hair)
Mammoth Roadhog
WOW! That was a lot of work to add to the main post All there, now, I believe. There’s so many awesome ideas lying around!
Worked it out as Brig working out at the gym. There’s also swim suit Brig as an idea
Btw, added a few more ideas I got/stole
And I’m adding limited time skins as well. Lot’s of people missed them (only 4 of them in my case) and would love to have a second chance at getting them
As for the rest, a package of Alice in Wonderland skins:
Tracer: White Rabbit
Junkrat: Mad Hatter
Widowmaker: Queen of hearts
Moira: Red Queen
Mercy: White Queen
Reinhardth: knight of clubs
Genji: Knight of spades
Hanzo: Knightof diamonds
Zenyatta: knight of hearts
Sombra: Chessire Cat