Skins missing or becoming locked

To try and keep relevant.

I’ve had the same problem. I lost multiple skins and have lost currency numerous times and have even had negative currency. I hope they can resolve the issue soon!

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You cannot bump in your own post though. It is suck that you lost some skins. But I suggest you format your post, so people can read it normally… Right now it is too long and so confusing to read.

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How would you suggest formatting it please? Forums aren’t normally my thing.

It’s only that long because I could not add each persons comment as their own new comment just like we’re doing now. This was because of the “You must wait for others to participate in order to comment” dumb rule. It does suck that yeah I lost something, maybe more then I thought.
But, what sucks the most is the sheer age and in some cases severity of this issue. Yet nothing has been done about it.

Bumping posts is actually banned in majority of forum.

You can use * this style to make bullet point for chat:

  • It will look like this

And use line break and bold to make heading:

1. Like this

Use double enter to make your paragraph clearer. Don’t overuse underline and italic words. Only use it for, for example: link, keywords, heading.

And put a Table of Content so people know what to look for. Right now I cannot read all of it because it is too confusing.

Possibly related/ helpful:

Gotcha, I will try and tackle this as soon as I’m able to. Hopefully with your advice and that of linkdude240’s tutorial it could look better. Thanks.

Huh, you may have been a complete tw@t in the other topic but this could be of use formatting my major post better. So I’ll thank you for that at least.

Huh, you really are unpleasable.

Oh well. I gave you tools. I gave you alternatives. Officially not my problem anymore.

I though i was going mad. This has been happening to me and i’m not pleased. I purchased some loot boxes because i knew i wouldn’t be playing much. I got the two skins from last year that i wanted. the Chang’e skin and the Luna skin for Mei. I go to Mei’s gallery and notice that i have LOST the Chang’e skin. It’s locked itself. I actually have video proof of me getting the skin and the Luna skin immediately after.

This happened on Console by the way. (Xbox). How do i fix this? I’m not buying the skin again.


I would assume this is where we would post for a similar problem? Missing some skins as well as emotes and victory pose and have been unable to resolve the issue through a support ticket. I’m a console player (PS4) and that didn’t seem to help make the issue any easier to figure out.

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Don’t worry I thought the same myself when I returned from hiatus.
It’s okay to report this whether your PC or Console because with the knowledge I do have is this issue does effect multiple platforms.

I’m not sure yet what a fix is and Blizzard / OW are yet to respond AT ALL.
I will be trying to maintain this topic when I can so I would probably suggest favouriting, following or bookmarking this topic if you’re able to.

Also, are you able to share your video in any way if possible please? Would be pretty good evidence against this bug.

Yes, this can most definitely be place for people like yourself to share an experience like yours and Errorless. To my knowledge what is initially going on for a reason unknown to us. Is there is some bug that is causing cosmetics and maybe even gold on a long shot, to vanish or become locked despite being purchased all ready.
As I said above to Errorless, this is a multi platform thing and unfortunately contacting the support will do NOTHING. The only support we have at the moment is everyone else experiencing this issue and the reported topics. With what I’ve looked at these past couple months I’ve tried to gather within here, so at this moment in time this topic has the most information on the issue as far as I am aware.
So if you have any development or know of any others experiencing this. Please do direct here so that it can be better documented.

In regards to sizeable main post, I will try re-formatting the entire thing when I am able. Sadly this won’t be yet due to events and personal things in reality. BUT it will get updated at some point, that I can assure.

Yea I lost my casual hanzo and my alpine soldier as of March 1st 2018 when Xbox servers were going under maintenance I logged in not knowing found out everything was down than i signed in and yes those things were gone along with some currency that I don’t really care about but what makes it worse is that I paid $10 for the loot boxes and everything was taken away as if they were never opened I tried getting a refund and apparently Xbox can’t give me it because “it’s a problem that is on the developers end and they have to fix it” and I contacted blizzard support and they said they couldn’t do anything so what’s the point of support if neither of them can do anything I have proof I had the alpine skin and that now it is gone it’s a YouTube video that I posted for proof and I can’t put links or anything because everytime I try it says that I can’t so If you wanna see proof the video is called I lost some overwatch stuff the YouTube name is Gabriel Atkins I was extremely tired when I posted it so sorry about that I hope this gets fixed because it’s pissing me off that I only needed the new hanzo skin for the blizzard world update and I would’ve had every skin for hanzo

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I lost my police skin and oni genji skin… How can this be fixed ? (I’m on ps4)

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I also lost police dva and oni genji. I played hero’s of the storm and got both skins and used them for a long time and recently I received police dva in a loot box but it wasn’t a duplicate and when I went to genjis hero gallery I saw that I had to buy it for 1000 gold. I have no idea when they were locked back up since I domt use those 2 skins very often. Was it a bug in some update? Also this happened with my dance emote on Lucio but he’s the only one.

Reply to Dark

Hey Dark, thanks for getting in touch.
Sorry to hear that you, like many of us have been effected by this unknown issue. I can offer some partial insight into assisting you with that being to my knowledge. Loot Boxes that have been purchased can sometimes be issued a charge back. Now I don’t know the full details, but what happens is the loot boxes are ‘refunded’ and as such any credits or items earned are taken away. I believe it’s one reason why players can sometimes have Negative Gold. I know it’s not the information you are looking for but I hope it’s something new that you may not have known. Also this could be the cause to the loss of your items as it is one thing that can happen. However, please note that this could most definitely be the same and unknown thing effecting the majority of us which IMO seems to be the main culprit.
In regards to the video I think I may have found it. Is it this one?
If so then thank you very much for sharing this, it’s insanely helpful that we now have video evidence of such an occurrence and to anyone reading this. Please DO provide footage or images if you are able.
Would you mind if I added an evidence section to my main post and have this link there please Dark?

Reply to Memes

Hi Memes, thanks for getting in touch.
Unfortunately with everything that I’ve learn and experienced so far. We have no fix. One of the main reasons behind this is because for some completely nonsensical reason, Blizzard and OW have done NOTHING about for the past 2 years.
So I am sorry that I can’t fix this for you as I really wish I could get this resolved for all of us.
However, I will be continuing to try and document this as best as I can when I’m able. So I would recommend in bookmarking this topic and please let me know of any updates or development for your case. Thank you.

Reply to Nortio

Hi Nortio, thanks for getting in touch.
I’m a little confused as to why Heroes Of The Storm is being mentioned. But, what I can work out of what you are saying is that in your case. You’ve lost 2 skins and an emote. Sorry to hear that dude.
I highly doubt that these losses were a result of a recent update because of the sheer age to this issue which we could tell from reported cases.
Also as I’ve mentioned previously this unknown issue does effect everything in the hero gallery. So it would be okay to assume that the emote vanishing is a result of this frustrating bug.
Please keep me posted of your situation and I would suggest saving this topic somewhere, possibly bookmark.

So dudes and dudettes.
I was finally able to reformat the entire post. Sorry it took some time getting round to it but as I stated this was because of events and personal stuff.
Hopefully everything is easier to read and understand now.
Please do tell me if you are unsure and I am open to any suggestions. If anything can be done to bring attention to this bug / issue or make things better for this topic then please do say.
I will continue to document this as best as I can and I would really appreciate it if you could share this. It needs to be brought to the attention of OW once and for all. By doing this we might finally get a much needed answer because one thing I noticed was that some bug report topics with a lot of traction prompted a response by the Devs.

As always, thank you for your patience and time.

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An emote that I was sure that I have unlocked was locked as well. Since I generally pay attention mostly to skins and only some notable emotes, I am afraid to find out if there are more that have been locked that I haven’t noticed.

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Happened to me too now - well or at least I just realized it now. And definitely gold skin missing too:

I thought this was happening to me for ages… now I’m certain and pretty annoyed because I paid 1000credits for D.Va’s Black Cat skin only for it to become locked again. Pretty peeved that skins I actually paid for are now disappearing too.

This is still alive, I’ve just been dealing with a lot lately in my life and as such. Haven’t been active.

But this is still alive, you may use the information collected here to assist you in anyway for your individual experiences.
I would still suggest using this topic as a HUB or congregation of sorts for everyone experiencing the documented issue. I feel it would be wise to try and keep things together as much as possible due to the fact I won’t necessarily be able to maintain links etc in my absence.

I have not been playing Overwatch since Halloween, and coming back today on the game, I could see that all the skins I had won during the Halloween event have disappeared (locked) and now i’m really mad, why this happening? how i can get them back ? Thanks overwatch to react to this problem ( irony ). I hope that with all our requests they will decide to react to this problem.
ps: another one victim to this bug