Skin reveal for the kpop collab!

oh ok guess i have to rewatch that a bit lol… so confused since short

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People can be mad, but I will buy the full bundle this time. Duck it. They look amazing.


if its 200 ill still probably get it

If you ask me, the time to spend money is during these collabs. Um, the real ones. Not the Blizzard self congratulatory nonsense. It demonstrates the viability of Overwatch to third parties which is very important for the health of the game. The One Punch Man collab is likely why we are able to have this one, and if this works out well, who knows what other cool stuff we will get in the future!

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I’ve never even heard of the band but the skins look amazing, and they’re all for heroes I love besides Kiri. How can I resist? :sob:

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was really hoping i finally get to see this fabled bike kiriko keeps blathering about
maybe next time

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I’m probably not gonna buy any, but seeing Tracer’s tummy is nice. Hope she’s barefoot

That’s because this one will more than justify the expense. I had not heard of this group but the number of views their YT videos have speaks volumes. They are going to make bank from this.

It better just be to help le Serafim with their music video and not be the Blizzcon animated short. Cos I wanna see lore.

Let that sink in for a moment. Priorities in order.

You’ll probably regret getting any hopes up.

There’s actually supposed to be a gamemode this time around at least. No idea what the hell a kpop gamemode could be though

The same as any other event mode - trash :3

quite a nice selection of heroes, if tracer looks how i think its a easy choice, need to take a close look at her and kiriko’s skin. maybe i also include all heroes i enjoy to play.

For some reason, I thought Symmetra would have been one of the five. Oh well, probably too expensive anyway. :sweat_smile:

The shop is the only place they make their money now though right so it makes sense that they’d actually try to advertise the pants off it :woman_shrugging:t2:

You all ASKED for more content! Bilzzard even said they will pour more resources into overwatch once OW2 was launced. They are doing what they said …