I feel the only good combo I have seen is Carbon Fiber Dva.
Huntress + Gold Gun.
any dynasty skin 20char
Baiju Genji + Gold Weapon =
Oni + gold
Carbon fiber + gold
Blackwatch + gold
Pretty much all legendary genji skins with exception of carbon fiber.
Formal + gold is good too.
Also scion + gold
Lucio’s equalizer + golden gun looks trash.
They really should make it more obvious for that skin.
The only Ana skin I use is Merciful because it looks dope with the gold gun. Same thing with Mercy’s Zhuque
Zenyatta’s gold weapons go well with really any of his legendaries.
I’ve got Dynasty Lucio + golden weapon, it looks sick!
Cadet Oxton + golden weapons looks cool.
Blackwatch Moira looks good with them as well.
I agree that Gold Weapons mostly look tacky. There are some exceptions. First off anything can look great with Dynasty or Valiant skins because of the gold trim. Blackwatch skins probably get a pass too, since black and gold is a very cool color combination. Same reason Carbon Fiber D.Va can get away with it.
Mostly, the less like a gun it looks and / or the smaller it is, the less likely it is to look tacky. Mercy Staff and Lucio blaster look good in gold for an awful lot of their skins, Zarya and Reinhardt and Winston weapons look entirely horrible in almost all cases.
Beyond those general rules, if aesthetics mean more to you than showing off your CP, you really got to dig and go case-by-case to find good combinations.
Huntress + gold.
Blackhardt + gold.
Rose Tracer + gold.
All of the Dynasty skins too.
I like dark skins with golden weapons for the contrast. My mains Reinhardt for instance I use Blackhardt and Roadhog I use Islander. The screenshot above does not do the Blackhardt skin + golden ax justice at all.
It really doesn’t, but I can’t enter the game rn to get a better one
Junkrat - Toasted or Jester
Bananacree + gold wep for LIFE! Also, the Roadhog fishing skins look dope.
Also, the Chinese rein looks really damn good with gold wep.
That’s a good one. Like I said, black and gold are a really good color combination.
- Rime
- Talon
Ana - Snow owl
Orisa + Valiant. Kinda regret getting them because I barely play her anymore, but it looks nice.