Sitting in DPS queue forever to have someone leave

You cant get mad at large queue times for dps. Dps is the most played role in the game by far. Im glad they punish dps mains who only play reaper and hanzo. You can’t complain about something when your adding to the problem, I know I come off a bit aggressive here, and thats because dps mains have plagued this game ever since it has came out.


and this as you called dps mains when they are good have higher possibility to carry all of this mercy mains

Players like me who’ve come back to find out nothings changed.

2-2-2 only works if players flex to counter which in my experience doesn’t happen.

Hanzo-Torb-Ana-Zen-Rein-Sig vs Genji-Sombra-Orisa-Zaryra-Lucio-Mercy.

Complete mismatch but did anyone switch nope.Sorry but l’m not wasting my time on that rubbish.

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