Guess people still keeps complaining about it and not try to like figure out what else to do while waiting in que…
2 hour queues are your bread and butter
Yup, and I can do it in freezing weather too!
It wouldn’t be so bad if we were able to do other things while in que, like Practice Range.
Let’s leave Mei out of this
Now I LIKE this idea.
To quote Captain Picard, “Make it so.”
I don’t understand why they didn’t just release it as a completely separate queue. That way they could actually see WHO and HOW MANY people truly wanted such a system, and then iron the bugs out and resolve the problems.
I thought that’s what the test server is for? Okay, I get it. The test server doesn’t see even remotely the same number of players. So, release it live, but don’t force everyone to use it if they don’t want to. Especially if they don’t want to sit in back-to-back 5-to-10 minute queues.
You could always 6stack.
DPS Queue times are absolutely crazy in Diamond and above. Something needs to be done.
Not a solution for the vast majority of players.
Are you saying people not only must be forced into role pre-selection, but ALSO be forced to 6-stack?
I would HATE to be a programmer for Blizzard. Jeff said it took them over a year to write the code for the current matchmaking system and everyone trashes it.
There’s no winning no matter what they do.
time does not equal quality, doesnt matter how much time they spent on it, if it doesnt work properly then all that time was wasted.
I think it works fine, personally. Blizzard can’t fix people wanting to play DPS.
thats the problem, they should have thought about that.
its just too obvious that it makes my brain fart that they didnt realize it.
edit: they’re not an indie dev team to cut them some slack, its an AAA company and i expect AAA quality.
Another issue that has nothing to do with role queue.
You could have waited 10 minutes only to get a leaver before role queue existed.
Custom game would be nice, like the projectile trainer so i can warm up on Orisa while waiting.
True but they should of at least saw the long queues coming with this feature and tried to relieve the queue time issue before release with all that ‘data’ they collect
technically 10mins break is healthy for you, so you go into next match not fatigued or coming off tilt.
There’s nothing Blizzard can do. People like playing DPS.
People that do this should get an auto 30min queue ban. No SR loss and doesn’t count toward a perma ban. Just a 30min temp queue ban.