Sine's QoL Mercy suggestions

I have two QoL suggestions that are by no means original, but I think warrant more discussion

This is not a buff/nerf/revert thread so please don’t derail.

I love Mercy in her current state and think she is balanced but I do have a couple of things that, if changed, would make her as perfect as I can imagine.

The changes are:

  1. Give Mercy the option to have two sensitivities. I want to be able to use lower sensitivity while using her pistol.
  2. Give Mercy the ability use both versions of Guardian Angel.
    (AKA: Prefers beam target and doesn’t prefer beam target. Let me use both at the same time please)

This is simply a more detailed explanation of my two suggested QoL additions

  1. The sensitivity change, as I imagine it, would basically give Mercy two sensitivity options. One where she has the staff and one where she has the pistol. I suggest letting us set those sensitivities separately as if they were separate characters and that, when swapped, the proper sensitivity would be used.
  2. Right now you can use prefer beam target OR does not prefer beam target. You have to choose one or the other. I want to be able to use both. Make it so that I can use one key for ‘prefers beam target’ and another key for ‘does not prefer beam target’.
    You can also make a hybrid option where, if both are set to the same key, it will go to whomever you are looking at, but in the case where you don’t see anyone it prefers beam target.

I honestly don’t think she would need to be rebalanced if these changes were to go through, but if she did need to be rebalanced we can definitely do that.

Do you play Mercy?
What do you guys think?


I like the prefer/not prefer beam target idea
The hybrid one though
Bc i play mercy and im suffering with that

  1. I don’t see why not.

  2. It would be nice actually, most of the time I want it off, but there are times it would be great to be able to use both.

  3. Can we add rez animation matching rez time to this please? It won’t affect anything besides not accidentally cancelling early because the animation is finished.


That’s the main one I want to push for. I would love to be able to use both versions of Guardian Angel


I wholeheartedly agree with all of these suggestions. why not give the player more options to customize their play style?

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ME too
Also if u mastered superjump that would be awesome

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I have mastered super jump :wink:

I’d want to practice super jumping with prefer beam target being on though.

#1 is fantastic and I’ve been wanting that for a long time.

Number 2 is fantastic as well, but I’m not sure it’s feasible. GA already bugs out without if and thens that depend on latency…


Needs bug fixes too, like the GA target that appears despite being behind a wall and ergo nonusable


Yes. Yes to both of these.

Trying to aim with the pistol with super high sensitivity on PS4 is really hard. ]:

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I think it’s feasible and would at least want them to test it, but if it isn’t feasible then that’s that lol

Of course. This isn’t a bugfix thread but I would hope those bugs gets ironed out with whatever update would bring these changes.

A man can dream!

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Also may I add: Option to show hero name instead of Player’s name under the beam UI thingy. It matters naught if I’m beaming NoobMaster69, I need to know who that hero is, not what their online nickname is.

Have it be optional and the let players have it both ways too, like Zen’s orb shows “NoobMaster69 (Winston)”. Hurts nobody.



I agree and I saw that thread earlier. I didn’t want to hijack their QoL suggestion though.

Oh, this would be amazing!

Mozts, we dont often agree, but I concur on this one…with an exception: in games where there can be more than one of any character (no limits, mystery heroes, etc) the player name should appear regardless

Just make it optional.

I don’t really care about Arcade QoL.

understood, though some do, and the UI should work predictably

talking 3rd person lmao