Sine's QoL Mercy request

I have a degree in lit, Tempest is his best work aside from A Midsummer Night’s Dream and he has plenty of bad ones despite what your lit professor might say. My recommendation is for you to enjoy it

P.S. buff mercy pls

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I support this BLIZZARD DO THIS ALREADY :clap::clap::clap:

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Trust me I wish I could enjoy it. My degree (that I get in two weeks) is in applied mathematics so I’m… outside of my domain so to speak.

Oh I know he has terrible works. I’ve read Titus Andronicus. (others may like it, I abhore it)

I would love for my character to be stronger, but I don’t want the universal hate that comes with a mercy meta…

Honestly I would also like them to just remove rez. No compensation just removal. The amount of times I see Mercy’s trying to use it on cooldown just to die before or right after is infuriating. Which is funny since that was one of the main reasons Mass Rezz got buffed so much before invulnerability.

But that probably wont happen so I would atleast like the option to cancel rez and have it go on full cooldown or even 60 seconds whatever. The other abilities in the game that disable you from doing anything else for a duration can be cancelled (Cry-Freeze, Deadeye). and recently, Reaper’s wraith form got this as well.

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It would have to have compensation.

Nice suggestion; I like it

Correct. There is precedent for a change like your suggestion.

I like it, you can even do mind-games with resurrect with that.
In fact, I’ll add it to the OP

I would prefer it remain available, myself.

Have you taken a look at Invigorate?

What do you think about his idea for a cancle-able resurrect?

BTW Megadodo I’d add your thread to the OP but I see your post as more of a rework than QoL changes

Look at Sine over here, making fancy smancy request.

Hey, it’s what I do. Do you have anything to add?

Sure I do, I didn’t just come here to praise your intuitiveness after all. Cancle GA mid flight would be a neat thing. Also you see that flash thing she did in the Storm rising cut scene? That’d be a neat ability.

Lol thanks I hope.

… you can already do this, right?

Do you have Guardian Angel on toggle? Then push it again.
Do you have it not on toggle? Then just release the key; it should cancel.

You can also jump during GA to move slightly and “cancel” it.

I’m not in favor of an ability like this, personally, but I agree it would be interesting

I’m in favor of whatever you’re in favor of. But yeah, do you have any other ideas? I had no idea you were a mercy player.

That’s dangerous, but I appreciate it

Yea I have other ideas. I am an ex-Mercy main turned support main with an emphasis on Mercy.

This is my Ana practice account. Across my accounts I have close to 600 hours on Mercy since the day the game came out, so I am a bit experienced on her.

My other ideas get into buff territory, but I always wanted to be able to alter Guardian Angel’s trajectory far more drastically than now.

Like, mathematically, Mercy’s Guardian Angel is basically a line. y=mx+b.

I’d like to be able to employ different flight patterns, for instance, a parabola. Something like y=-(x)^2

Now I get not everyone understands algebra, but the main point is I want to be able to curve Guardian Angel, but in a way that still directs it to the original target.

This, to me, would be a huge buff and would require more balancing.

I can get behind this change.

Guardian angel has priority. If you have someone in reticle, you will go to them and not beam target. If you have no one in reticle, you go to beam target.

Exactly. I, of course, go a step farther and want two separate keys for Guardian Angel so I can pick and choose depending on the situation

Thanks for the reply :smiley:

With Mercy’s bunny hop, I don’t think Guardian angel should change movement path.

2 button for the same ability is not good design, and I have limited buttons that I an reach on each hand.

Bunny hop, in my experience, is just worse than cancelling the ability with space.

I agree it is unneeded and I said as much in the post.

In your opinion. It’s actually incredibly amazing design from my perspective. I already use two different keys for Guardian Angel, jump, crouch, and melee attacks.

Just because you don’t use or like multiple options for abilities doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t.

Options for controls are, in my opinion, almost always a benefit.

In fact, I’d fight for even more. I’d love to have 3 different keys that allow me to jump with Mercy to be honest.

And, I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want your limitations to limit me.

Let me explain.

We can have the same ability on a secondary button, and that is fine.

Having the same ability on 2 buttons that function slightly different is not good design. It will confuse new players. And essentially you would have 4 buttons (a primary and secondary) for the same ability.

It’s not bad design because it wouldn’t be default.

Lucio’s backwards wall-ride isn’t on by default for some reason; the same would be true for this.

You can opt in if you want, but you don’t have to. If you only want one version of Guardian Angel that’s fine.

So, again, it’s not good design to you, but to me it would be so, so amazing.

For me, more options = better design.

You know, to an extent.