Simple solution to the slower stealth movement speed

I made all these points before.

I’m trolling apparently, though :stuck_out_tongue:

Because you are trolling.
You aren’t keeping with the facts.
You aren’t thinking about other players.

She IS faster.
She HAS an easier time killing.
She ALWAYS wins 1v1 against the old sombra.
Most players are NOT sombra mains.
1v1 IS a mode.
Over 50% of players are BELOW gold.
Most = more than others.

You guys still trying to persuade trolls/haters?
I said once and I will say it again: Those guys already believe that Sombra is OP. No amount of discourse will convince them.

“She has the lowest pickrate and win rate”
“But hack is op!”
“It is the least oppressive form of CC! Even Junkrats trap is more oppressive!Any damage stops it.”
“But she is invisibleeeeeeeeeeeee”
“Yeah, if she does not take pepper damage, something easy to do”
“But she can teleport”
“She can but it usually takes her away from the fight, making it 5v6”
“But, but her haaaaaaxxxxxx is op(we start from zero again)”

Its annoying and we know who are the usual suspects(I wont name and shame, but we know them). I sugest we ignore those people, since they disrupt discourse.


She is faster, she does not have an easier time getting kills, does she really always win against old Sombra when nothing has changed besides her translocator can be destroyed and she is in stealth longer? It takes the same amount of time to get out of stealth, so technically old Sombra can start firing first, as well as destroy her only escape, so old Sombra is stronger in that 1v1 scenario, and just because you can spend more time setting up doesn’t mean you SHOULD, nor does it make securing kills easier. In fact, it allows the enemy team to set up together longer. None of these changes help Sombra in the slightest, as well as removing her ability to escape if trans is destroyed and removing her ability to effectively stall. It doesn’t help anything that is inherently wrong with Sombra or why she is seen as a poor pick.

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I addressed your points.


Most is still not “everyone”. English is my third language and even I know this! Lol!!

You are arguing for the sake of arguing. I’m out. Shame on you. :expressionless:

1v1 vs old sombra you just wait until the old falls out of stealth. Then you have the jump on her.

Getting a kill on a mercy is a lot easier when you are in the line of her flight.
Now you can set that up.

It’s also easier to get a kill when you are the one who shoots first. With infinite stealth you will always be the one shooting first.

There are more changes than just the infinite invis and translocator.
Her hack is being worked on.

1v1ing old Sombra will NOT win. You realize that new Sombra will leave stealth later, correct? Meaning she is already at a .7s disadvantage in that fight, as well as destroyable translocator.

Mercy will be no easier to kill? You’re using a WAY too specific scenario and acting like it is the be all, end all. Again, just because you can take longer, doesn’t mean you should. Sombra has way too long of a downtime as it is, and this makes it worse.

I see you won’t listen to anybody who ACTUALLY plays Sombra, as they know these changes don’t do anything to help her. It doesn’t fix what is inherently wrong with her, and in fact, makes them worse.

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You do realise that the old sombra can’t see the new before the new goes put of stealth?
The new can always get the first shot.

What is wrong with having down time?
As long as your team wins the team fight, your team wins.

If you don’t think through these things, don’t complain about me thinking about them…

You realize that Sombra has both a visual and audible cue when she is out of stealth? Again, meaning the old Sombra has 1 full second to react, and see where she is de-cloaking. Meaning old Sombra shoots first - old Sombra wins.

You’re an idiot and I’m done talking to you. You obviously don’t play this hero and have no idea what you’re talking about.

You brought up ONE scenario, in which Sombra does the SAME thing to the Mercy. And you act as if she runs out of invis RIGHT there.

Downtime is the WORST thing in this video game. It means you did NOTHING for the fight. Jesus Christ, how is that hard to understand. Downtime is TERRIBLE and no hero should (and none of the do) have as much downtime as Sombra. You’re basically wasting time where other DPS are actively doing things. There is a reason she has the worst win rate and pick rate.

You’re stupid and nobody will take you seriously. Never recommend balance changes for a game, because you will ruin it.

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So the time just keeps increasing each time now?

Oh sorry, I gave .3s longer. My bad. Run out of fodder for me to break?

I am curious, what do you think the average TTP (time to position) difference is from spawn to choke 1 between current Live Sombra and PTR Sombra?

I actually know the answer, I would like to see if you do.

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How about the fact that her reload takes 1,5 seconds?

At this point infinite invis just doesn’t seem worth it, how about we get rid of it and go back to live.

How about removing invisibility, and just giving her a 40% movement speed buff all the time?

There were actually 3 nerfs, one got reverted. I do not care about the contest nerf but if you’re going to take that away don’t take away her speed too. she’s getting 2 nerfs for an unnecessary buff.

She is faster than before. Don’t see how that is a nerf…

She got a 25% decrease in speed… no she isn’t

But she got infinite stealth.
Before she was only faster for a small time, now she is faster the whole time.
She is faster.

I see you in every sombra thread you know. after so many people have explained to you you just not gonna stop spreading lies, huh.

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