Simple solution to the slower stealth movement speed

Stop trolling and look at how she is played by bronze, Silver and gold at the moment.

And on console.

I’m not trolling. You don’t get to pull that “you’re being subjective” assumption and then act as if you’re not doing the same thing. LOL.

If you’re focusing on console, then that’s the issue. PC and console mechanics are different.

And MOST overwatch players are top 500 players on pc i guess?

Stop putting words in my mouth. I am not saying that. :expressionless:

I am saying the mechanics are different between PC and console. I am saying that even in every rank, Sombra being more accessible does not make her bring either more value to her team or do it better. She can just do it easier. Accessible does not inherently mean better.

She will be better for any person who doesn’t currently play her.
And there are a lot more people not playing her than there are mains.

That is making her accessible, not better, not stronger.

Accessibility is fine. They should add that. I praised that earlier.

But they want to make her stronger. That means, overall, as a hero, she should be stronger. These changes do not accomplish that. They make it easier to do the things she can already do (easier, not better) while taking away things she could do previously.

That’s why a lot of people are not digging these changes. Even people who don’t main Sombra or play her. There are a lot who do - and that’s fine. But a lot of people who do not play her also are weary of these changes.

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Being able to always get the kill, and always surviving = stronger.

It doesn’t vastly improve her ability to get a kill when people can already do this. That’s why this makes her more accessible and not stronger.

Waiting longer and being able to stay in the backlines without the pressure of cooldowns and durations is increasing accessibility. That does not make her stronger, though, because it’s something people can already do.

Take a player and clone him.
Give one the old sombra and one the new.
Let them practice for a month.
Put them in a 1 vs 1 deathmatch.
Who wins?

You have to come out of stealth to kill a healer and if you can’t make the right moment happen with the limited of time you currently have then you are just wasting time.

Just because it is now easier for people since they can wait longer doesn’t mean she is now better.


Getting a kill makes it not a waste of time.

Finally someone understands :smile:


This isn’t an objective matter. Stop treating it as such. I’ll speculate and you’ll say I’m wrong because it doesn’t align with your speculation.

This game is not a 1v1. Stop looking at it as such.

And here you go again…
Stop trolling and answer the question.
If you can’t look at the game from everyones view, don’t speak for everyone.

Knock it off with the “stop trolling” - I am not trolling. The more you keep saying that, the less I’m inclined to believe you are capable of having a discussion of any sort. If anything, you are.

You are using SPECULATION to justify your views, and when I disagree with it, you keep arguing. You keep changing your argument.

You said they’re not changing her to make her better, and now all of a sudden you are saying these changes make her better.

If I answer that question with what I believe, “Old Sombra would win” you would continue to go on how I’m “wrong” and support it with nothing more than more speculations. And my speculation is, old Sombra would win. But even so looking at any hero in a 1v1 scenario doesn’t make sense in a team-based game when you are not going to be 1v1.

I never said I spoke for everyone. NEVER. I specifically word it, “Many people” “A lot of people”

Not once have I said “everyone”.

If you like the Sombra changes - again, that is fine. But you have no grounds to say I’m trolling when I disagree.

Use facts, not opinions.

Is she faster? Yes or no?
Is it easier to get a kill? Yes or no?
Does she win a 1v1 against the old sombra? Yes or no?
Are most players sombra mains? Yes or no?
Is 1v1 a gamemode? Yes or no?
Are most player above or below gold?

You said most.


THESE AREN’T FACTS! What don’t you understand!! LMAO

Overall? Yes. In bursts, with her stealth speed, to make jumps? NO. She is OBJECTIVELY slower in stealth (+50% speed instead of +75%) which is what a lot of people mean when they say she is slower.

No. It’s the SAME thing as before - pop out of stealth and shoot. That has not changed, all that’s changed is how long you can stay that way!

Same. Thing. They pop out of stealth at the same rate. No. They are matched if anything and it comes down to who has better tracking


It is. But that is not the base game-mode in a team-based game.

Most are at and above gold.

Most is not everyone, now, is it? :expressionless:

Again stop trolling.

Why? For not agreeing with your speculations?

You are not providing FACTS. These are not objective things you are bringing up. And I am not claiming that mine are - they are speculations and I am labeling them as such.

If that makes me a troll, then that’s ridiculous.

Sombra cannot get kills easier than before. Sure, you have more time to setup, but Sombra RARELY needed more time than what stealth already gave. Her changes make nothing easier to secure a kill as her overall damage output, nor her kit, were changed to make her more reliable. Taking longer to position does not mean you will secure a kill.

By all of your comments thus far, I can easily tell you have never touched Sombra. You don’t just “go in, get a kill, and TP out”. That is almost nonexistent in her kit, because that is NOT show she is designed. She is meant to finish off targets. Not solo them. Sombra rarely solo kills targets outside of ones without mobility often. Even in GM and T500. Watch Fitzy or Codey. Neither of them did/do it outside of Zenyatta when Mercy isn’t paying attention, EMP, or spawn camping when they do not have anybody from their team to help. Sombra DOES NOT just go in, get kills, and safely get out. You’re delusional and do not play her at all if you think that.

Inherently, Sombra also loses one of the BIGGEST and STRONGEST parts of her kit - stalling. Stalling a point for 4-6s while your team regrouped for a full team push was TREMENDOUS. And now that is nonexistent. She can stealth to point, stay on for MAYBE 1-2s, and is forced to leave before she dies. The end. She can’t get back on without sacrificing herself. She lost one of the most powerful parts of her kit.

Anybody who plays Sombra will tell you they didn’t feel constricted by her time limits often. I have definitely died to my translocator running out of time, but that was my own fault by not paying attention to CD management.

These changes overall do nothing for people who have played Sombra, besides remove a core piece of her kit - stalling - and made her slightly easier for people who have never touched her to pick her up.

Not to mention ALL this change has done was make her downtime EVEN WORSE, which is NOT what Sombra needed, as she has some of the highest downtime in the game. She is one of the only heroes who spends a lot of time out of combat or not directly in the fight or trying to disrupt without actually doing much for the fight, etc. Her kit is definitely powerful, one of the best in the game if utilized properly, but for the average player, she has WAY too much downtime and not enough consistency in damage to be considered more useful that any of the other DPS, or she wouldn’t be the least picked hero. These changes do nothing to resolve that, and actually make it worse.

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