Silver Support Seeking Squad >:D

Hey everyone! Im looking for some people to play comp with :slight_smile:
Im silver in everything and was gold in support (barely) but kept playing through a losing streak so Im at 1800 right now. Ive been stuck in silver for a long time and would like to get good and maybe find a friend to climb with!

I would like to improve my skills as a support. Its my favorite role and I love it! I play anyone but zen and lucio really. I can also tank but I prefer dva and winston. My dps is awful so I dont really want to queue as dps.

I dont have a mic and Im looking for some chill people to play with :sweat_smile: I have anxiety, so I prefer people who wont yell at me. I will listen to team chat and communicate, I just dont have a mic.

If youd like to play sometime let me know and Ill give you my bnet/discord! I can post my sr for each role in a bit, I just dont have them memorized. Thank you for reading :hugs: I play on NA

Yo, Im down to play. I main Zen and im at silver around 1960. My username is McDonald#11424

I’m down. High silver/low gold support here, 1978 SR. I main Lucio but can switch to Moira, or Baptiste in a pinch. Got upper silver in DPS with Junkrat last time I did the placement matches. I haven’t done any placement matches for Tank in a while but I’m pretty decent with Sigma in QP.

I work for an “essential business” and have two toddlers, so I’m only available to play competitive after 7 Pacific time, unfortunately. I usually stick to QP and Arcade before then.

I have a mic, but don’t worry. I only get ornery with other players if they’re berating others or doing the whole “I’m carrying this whoooooole teeeeeeeam!” thing.
