Silencing The Community

Just leave the stupid game and go to something else, it’s clear they don’t care anymore, why support a company that promotes toxicity in their playerbase? It should be fairly obvious about blizzards intentions, I’m surprised this game hasn’t been shut down because it was an “unintentional bug” that was meant for a HOTS dlc. Thanks and have fun.


It’s sad really.
I’ve really enjoyed this game but I’m sadly not going to play it anymore, I already haven’t for a week and I will continue not to.
If anything the devs are going to destroy their own game, should’ve stuck to the movie idea lol.


The continuing downward spiral of Overwatch makes me sad.


Eh…it’s Blizzard.

They’re not real subtle withe their favoritism when it comes to their games.

(I mean…just look up Ghostcrawler [the dev not the NPC] or the whole Worgan mount fiasco from WoW. Yeah both things may be old, but it’s funny that it carried over into their newest game)


Making the same posts every day would constitute spamming. And we all have the same voice here, so maybe it is best if we just speak for ourselves rather than making martyrs out of forum heroes.


As I said in another thread

Paladins a game similar to Overwatch isn’t in the top 10 toxic communities which says a lot about their community and Hi-Rez workers.


Thank you for speaking out everybody. These acts are not only faced by Mercy mains. The prejudice is here for Symmetra mains, Torbjorn mains (I know attack Torb isn’t a viable strategy but the defense ones can be really god-tier with their guns and stuff.) so on and so forth. We’re trying to all speak up, yet all we get is ‘‘hush, you can’t even play the game yet.’’ It’s okay to have a main. It’s okay if your main doesn’t involve aiming much. It’s okay if you can’t enjoy the game because your hero isn’t fun to play anymore. What’s not okay is not being able to speak up about it.


Imagine how nice this game would be if it wasn’t full of petty toddlers who think the F word can be used as every 3rd word in a sentence and that everyone should be playing healer to pocket their 2k damage per ten-minute Genji.


Blizzard need to do SOMETHING to better their report system. No one should be suspended or banned just for playing a character they’re good with.
I’m a god-tier Symmetra like I know I am but I can’t always instalock and play her because some whiney child always tries to have a go, so I switch off because I know if I don’t I WILL BE BANNED BECAUSE MY TEAM WILL REPORT ME. That’s not how this game should make you feel.


It also feels a lot more balanced, just about every champion is actually viable.


God forbit people making sketches!

Seriously, you can’t be serious in taking offence in that video.

Nu știți de glumă smh.

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corporate censorship is a privilege unfortunately, so they’re free to silence their customers



I think a lot of us can agree that Overwatch is going downhill like a snowboarder on steroids.

I used to love this game to death but now only find playing it a chore.

No amount of breaks taken can lessen the amount of toxicity I dispense to myself.

I’ve just lost the love i had for this game and I think the devs have too.

But at least I’ve found other blizzard games to have fun with!


While I agree, very few people actually get banned for talking about / playing a hero. People just use that as an excuse for getting a suspension. There is normally more too it. People are probably getting suspended for talking about Mercy because it’s spam, it creates toxicity or because they are making new threads just to talk about the same thing.

But people just rush to assume that they are banning people just because the hero they play or talk about. Which is not true. There is always another side to the story.

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Unfortunately, people like to portray themselves as a romantic fighters for a good cause and there is nothing unpure in their actions.

Yes. We only hear one side of the story on the forums, and that is usually the player’s. They immediately make it out as if they’ve done nothing wrong, and say things like ‘I was only playing Symmetra and I got banned!’. 9 times out of 10 they were probably doing something else to get them banned.

I do agree with the OP on some points, but not on the titanium stuff.

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What did this titanium guy say that got them banned?

Well, of course. It’s a lot sexier to claim malicious intent than accepting the boring alternative of an inconsistent and abusable (by the community) system.

There just need to be enough people willing to report/flag you a bunch of times and the hammer will drop at the smallest infraction. But if you can fly under the radar, you’ll have much more leeway.


I have a friend whom was suspended for giving the developers props for the healer balance as he was spam reported for trolling, now his forum account is r.i.p

It works both ways.


The system is defiantly abusable.
4 times up till now for myself.