Silenced without a reason and only on console, not my pc?

i was randomly communication banned on console and not my pc for some reason…

i know for a fact you should get an email explaining why you got banned. (i have been banned recently once for 2 weeks before). you also see in the chat like a red message that says how long you are banned for which i don’t have.

however, i am confused as to why i’m banned on my xbox but not my pc? i am thinking it’s because i haven’t opened overwatch on my pc since i was first banned. i saw the ban notification (from the first time) pop up on my screen while on pc… maybe it like transferred to my console?

i attempted to open a ticket but of course i received an AI response of a link to the ToS… anyone got any ideas or at least how to contact a human?

The technical support forums cannot help you, the only way is through the ticket system.

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i understand you but i only came looking for some advice since i assume people are human here… the ticket system isn’t really doing much to help when i get auto generated responses.

The email doesn’t include the chat lines (evidence) because that feature isn’t available right now. However, you did receive the reason you were banned from the ticket response: a ToS violation.

Blizzard staff use a lot of templates because they receive thousands of tickets. Did you open an appeal or a regular ticket? An appeal is a request for the staff to review evidence against your account and decide if the action taken was justified. It is not a method for having a one-on-one discussion about the penalty—that isn’t something Blizzard offers.

ah sorry maybe i didnt explain it correctly, i meant in-game there is a big red bar with a warning symbol and a timer of how long you are banned for!

i dont know what i opened with blizzard but i have closed it. just to clarify, i was never silenced and it was glitched for some reason. so as a general warning, opening your account on after platform after being silenced will glitch your account on other platforms.

(i’ll mark you as the solution)

Maybe they shouldn’t run such broken nonsensical system that creates them so many tickets from thousands of false reports and automated moderation to which they just always claim you’re at fault. It’s outrageous what kind of crap they claim and they intentionally omit context by quoting single line and not one before it, that can entirely change the meaning of the posted chat text. This has been going on for years and it’s always swept under the rug and users silenced. What can user even do other than open appeal which is just always denied on most absurd claims.